投稿时间:2014-10-16  修订日期:2015-04-01  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 2481
全文下载次数: 767
尚志蕾 第二军医大学 心理与精神卫生学系, 上海 200433  
刘伟志 第二军医大学 心理与精神卫生学系, 上海 200433 liuweizhi@21cn.com 
舒丽芯 第二军医大学 药学院药事管理与临床药学教研室, 上海 200433 lixinshu@ymail.com 
张晓东 总后勤部卫生部药品器材局, 北京 100842  
基金项目:国家科技部重大专项(No.2010ZXJ0900X-002); 上海市浦江人才计划(13PJC003),上海市卫生局课题(No.2011172,No.2011042);上海市教委重点项目(14ZS084)
中文摘要:目的 探讨自救互救药品包装的颜色和标识(色标)对用药者提示效应的有效性和区分度。 方法 采用经典的启动效应(priming effect)研究范式,组成了2(启动类别)×3(色标类别)的被试内混合设计,考察自救互救药品包装色标特征对再认判断反应时是否有影响。 结果 1有/无启动色标的再认判断正确率无显著性差异;反应时差异有统计学意义:无关启动反应时1 475.12 ms,相关启动反应时1 387.18 ms(t=2.264,P=0.02)。2色标类别因素对再认判断反应时有影响,F=9.945,P<0.001。其中,色标1、3启动效应存在,色标2未产生明显的启动效应。3色标内涵属性对再认判断反应时有显著影响。色标2反应时长顺序为:使用指令判断<一级类别判断<二级类别判断,与判断任务的难易程度相一致。使用指令的启动效应显著,一级、二级分类无启动效应,但相关启动时比无关启动时的一级分类正确判断反应时明显下降,约为96.86 ms。 结论 自救互救药品的色标设计整体启动效应明显,色标的特征规律对色标的识记过程具有促进作用。
中文关键词:启动效应  药品包装  自救互救药品
Research on application of the priming effect in drug packaging in medicine for self-aid and mutual-aid
Abstract:Objective To investigate the psychological measurement index for the effectiveness and discrimination of drug packaging (color code) in the medicine for self-aid and mutual-aid. Methods The classical priming paradigm was used to investigate whether there were influences on the recognition accuracy (ACC) and reaction time (RT) by memorizing the characteristics of three series of color code, with a 2 (relevant or irrelevant priming)×3 (color code categories) within subject experimental design. Results ① The recognition (RT) of the relevant-priming group was 1 387.18 ms, compared with the irrelevant-priming group 1 475.12 ms. The independent two-sample t-test showed statistically significant difference between the relevant-priming and irrelevant-priming groups (t=2.264,P=0.02). ② The analysis of variance of factorial design showed a significant difference among the three series in the recognition (RT) (F=9.945,P<0.001). The priming effect was significant in color code 1 and 3, while not significant in color code 2. ③ The recognition (RT) in color code 2 was different by the judgment task: using directivesP value for the priming effect was 0.03,0.21 and 0.7 in the judgment task for using directives, class-1 categorical attributes and class-2 categorical attributes. The priming effect was significant in using directives, while not significant in class-1 categorical attributes and class-2 categorical attributes. Conclusion The priming effect of the characteristic of the color code is significant, and the characteristic of the color code can promote the process of memorization of the medicine for self-aid and mutual-aid.
keywords:priming effect  reaction time  pharmaceutical packing
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