投稿时间:2009-05-14  修订日期:2009-11-09  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1326
全文下载次数: 951
刘虹 第二军医大学药学院天然药物化学教研室,上海200433
陈海生 第二军医大学药学院天然药物化学教研室,上海200433 haishengc@hotmailcom. 
耿东升 新疆军区联勤部药品仪器检验所,新疆乌鲁木齐830063  
金永生 第二军医大学药学院天然药物化学教研室,上海200433  
杨向楠 第二军医大学药学院天然药物化学教研室,上海200433  
中文关键词:新疆紫草  低极性部位  GC-MS/MS分析
GC-MS/MS analysis of the low polarity components from the root of Arnebia euchroma
Abstract:Objective To investigate the low polarity components from the root of Arnebia euchroma.Methods The EtOH extracts of the root of Arnebia euchroma was extracted with petroleum ether.Part of the petroleum ether extraction was acetylated.The components were separated and identified from both parts by GC-MS/MS and elucidated by the comparison with the standard mass spectral data.The relative contents in percentage were calculated using the area normalization method.Results 14 compounds were identifled,including hexadecanoic acid(9.31%)and octadecanoic acid(5.03%),along withγ-hexadecanoic acid lactone(2.56%) and tetradecanoic acid(2.02%)etc.Conclusion The main components in the low polarity components of the root of Arnebia euchroma are fatty acid and fatty acid lactone.Fatty acid have been isolated from the root of Arnebia euchroma for the first time,fatty acid lactone have been firstly isolated from Boraginaceae plants.
keywords:Arnebia euchroma  low polarity components  GC-MS/MS analysis
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