投稿时间:2003-05-26    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1539
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陈军 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院临床药学药检室,江苏 南京 210008 
方芸 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院临床药学药检室,江苏 南京 210008 
刁雨辉 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院临床药学药检室,江苏 南京 210008 
周菊萍 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院临床药学药检室,江苏 南京 210008 
中文摘要:目的 建立测定逐瘀扶正胶囊中蒽醌类成分含量的最优方法。方法 同时应用经典的混合碱比色法、醋酸镁比色法和作者新发现的直接测定法测定逐瘀扶正胶囊中蒽醌类成分的含量。结果 3种方法的加样回收率分别为(99.98±2.21)%、(102.56±1.36)%、(98.13±0.74)%,但直接测定法更为简单快捷,而且不存在稳定性差的问题。结论 3种不同方法都能用于逐瘀扶正胶囊中蒽醌类成分的含量测定。但相比之下本文所建立的直接测定法更为简便实用。
中文关键词:蒽醌  比色法  分光光度法
Determination of anthraquinones in Zhuyufuzheng capsules by three methods
Abstract:OBJECTIVE:To establish the best method to determinate the quantity of anthraquinones in Zhuyu-fuzheng capsules. METHODS: Anthraquinones in Zhuyufuzheng capsules was determined by three methods. RESULTS: The average recovieries of two colorimetries and the new method were (99. 98 ± 2.21 )% 、 (102.56 ± 1.36)% 、(98.13 ±0.74)% respectively. However, the new method was simpler, quicker and more reproducible than any other one. By this method,the problem of stablility did not exist. CONCLUSION: All three methods can be used to determinate the quantity of anthraquinones in Zhuyufuzheng capsules. And the best method of three is the new one we established.
keywords:anthraquinones  colorimetry  spectrophotometry
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