投稿时间:2003-03-29    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1049
全文下载次数: 910
唐琦文 上海市眼病防治中心,上海 200040 
黄虹 上海市药品监督管理局,上海 200021 
中文摘要:目的 了解加入新型增粘剂后氯霉素滴眼液在兔泪眼中的药物动力学差别。方法 采用UV测定法测定不同时间兔泪眼中氯霉素的浓度。采用药物动力学软件(PK-GRAPH)分析药物浓度-时间数据。结果 不同增粘剂处方的氯霉素滴眼液的药物动力学参数之间具有非常显著性的差异,表明增粘剂的种类和浓度对药物动力学参数有较大影响。结论 经医用几丁糖增稠后的氯霉素滴眼液可使泪眼中的药物浓度衰减变慢,从而使药物的利用度提高。
中文关键词:氯霉素滴眼液  医用几丁糖  透明质酸钠  药物动力学  紫外分光光度法
Lacrimal pharmacokinetics in rabbit of chloramphenicol eye drops with the addition of densification
Abstract:OBJECTIVE :To assess the pharmacokinetic difference after new densifier adding into chloram-phenicol eye drops in rabbits tear. METHODS :The concentration of chloramphenicol in rabbits tear was determined by UV spectrophotometry at different time . The concentration-times data were analyzed with PK-GRAPH. RESULTS: The mean pharmacokinetic parameters of chloramphenicol eye drops in two preparations exhibited significant difference, kinds and concentration of densifier have great effect on pharmacokinetic parameters. CONCLUSION : Chloramphenicol eye drops with the addition of chitosan and sodium hyaluronate as the densifier can slow down decline of drug concentration in tear,may increase significantly the treatment efficacy of the drug.
keywords:chloramphenicol eye drops  medical chitosan  sodium hyaluronate  pharmacokinetic  UV spectro-photomelry
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