投稿时间:2002-01-29    点此下载全文
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余孔廷 广东省肇庆市端州区人民医院 肇庆 526040 
钱向新 广东省肇庆市端州区人民医院 肇庆 526040 
蔡碧琼 广东省肇庆市端州区人民医院 肇庆 526040 
中文摘要:目的 探讨不同药物治疗方案对治疗应激性溃疡的经济效果。方法 选择119例重病并发应激性溃疡患者,随机分为3组,用3种药物治疗方案分别治疗,A组为氨甲苯酸联合西咪替丁,B组为奥曲肽(商品名:善得定),C组为奥美拉唑联合凝血酶,应用药物经济学成本—效果分析法进行评价。结果 3种药物治疗方案的有效率分别为59.46%、87.18%和100.00%,总成本分别为265.26元、1507.58元和1572.46元。结论 C组是治疗应激性溃疡的最佳方案。
中文关键词:成本—效果分析  应激性溃疡  氨甲苯酸  奥曲肽  奥美拉唑
Cost-effectiveness analysis of three therapeutic schemes for stress ulcer
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To evaluate the economic effectiveness in different pharmaco-therapeutic schemes for patients with stress ulcer. METHODS 119 patients with stress ulcer were divided into 3 groups randomly. They received respectively one of three therapeutic shemes, A:aminomethylbenzoic acid combined with cimetidine, B:san-dostatin,C:omeprazole combined with thrombin, The date were evaluatde with cost-effectiveness analysis. RESULTS The effective ratio of three therapeutic shemes were 59.46%,87.18% and 100.00% respectively,and the total cost were 265.26 yuans,1507.58 yuans and 1572.46 yuans,respectively. CONCLUSION The best pharmaco-therapeutic scheme was C.
keywords:cost-effectiveness analysis  pharmacoeconomic  stress ulcer
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