投稿时间:2000-12-11    点此下载全文
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苏开仲 福州市海洋生物工程研究开发中心药理室, 福州350026 
魏文树 解放军福州医学高等专科学校, 福州350003 
魏炜明 第二军医大学一旅四队, 上海200433 
欧阳爱军 解放军福州医学高等专科学校, 福州350003 
戴西湖 解放军南京军区福州总医院, 福州350001 
中文摘要:目的 确定宣肺止咳糖浆剂的制备工艺及其质量控制指标。方法 采用3种不同制备工艺(水煎煮法、水煎醇沉法、分别煎煮醇沉法)制成宣肺止咳糖浆样品Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ。利用麻黄碱成色定性分析和黄芩苷定量分析的方法 ,比较样品Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ中的麻黄碱和黄芩苷含量。结果 宣肺止咳糖浆样品Ⅲ中的麻黄碱和黄芩苷的含量最高。结论 第3种工艺(分别煎煮醇沉法)制备工艺最隹,所制备的宣肺止咳糖浆样品中的黄芩苷含量应不低于0.2mg/ml,麻黄碱、黄酮类、皂苷类检测应为阳性反应。
中文关键词:宣肺止咳糖浆  制剂工艺  麻黄碱  黄芩苷  质量标准
Preparation techniqe and quality standards of Xuan-fei-zhi-ke syrup
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To determine the techniqe and quality standards of Xuan-fei-zhi-ke syrup. METHODS Three techniques(decocting,decocting+ethanol precipitating,separate decocting+ethanol-precipitating) were adopted to prepare the syrup sample Ⅰ, Ⅱ,and Ⅲ respectively.The 3 samples were evaluated by qualitative and quantitative analysis.RESULTS The ephedrine and baicalin in sample Ⅲ were the highest among the 3 samples. CONCLUSION The separate decocting plus ethanol precipitating is the best preparation techniqe for Xuan-fei-zhi-ke syrup.The quality standards for Xuan-fei-zhi-ke syrup are that baicalin content must be more than 0.2mg/ml,and the qualitative analysis of ephedrine, flavonoids and saponins must be positive reaction.
keywords:Xuan-fei-zhi-ke syrup  preparation techniqe  ephedrine  baicalin  quality standard
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