投稿时间:1998-10-09    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1562
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郝俊文 济南军区总医院泌尿外科 济南250031 
张海滨 济南军区总医院泌尿外科 济南250031 
李香铁 济南军区总医院泌尿外科 济南250031 
刘少鸽 济南军区总医院泌尿外科 济南250031 
李慎勤 济南军区总医院泌尿外科 济南250031 
中文摘要:目的 探索氟康唑治疗肾移植术后真菌感染的剂量、疗程及疗效。方法 肾移植术后真菌感染患者33例,男27例,女6例,年龄(39±10)a.用氟康唑200mg,静滴bid,疗程7~10d,临床症状减轻后改用氟康唑100mg,po,bid,维持治疗,时间为15~20d。结果 临床有效率90.90%,显效时间、疗程均比较满意,氟康唑的不良反应较轻。结论 氟康唑为治疗肾移植术后真菌感染的有效药物。
中文关键词:氟康唑  肾移植  真菌感染
Fluconazole in treating the fungal infection after renal transplantation
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To explore the effect of fluconazole in treating the fungal infection after reanl transplantation. METHODS 33 patients with fungal infection after renal transplantation (M 27,F6;ages 39s10a) were given fluconazole 200mg,vein drop,bid,from 7 to 10 days.When their clinical signs were alleviate,the dosage of fluconazole was decreased to 100mg,po,bid from 15 to 20 days for supporting treatment. RESULTS The clinical efficacy rate was 99.90%,the time and period of treatment was also satisfied.The adverse reaction of fluconazole was very little. CONCLUSION Fluconazole were effective drugs for treating the fungal infection after renal translpantation.
keywords:fluconazole  renal transplantation  fungal infection
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