投稿时间:2024-02-28  修订日期:2024-10-20  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 125
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徐倩 安徽中医药大学第二附属医院 230061
吴可歆 亳州学院中药学院 236800
王家如 亳州学院中药学院 236800
胡云飞 亳州学院中药学院 236800
谢若男 安徽中医药大学第二附属医院 230061
洪稳稳 郑州金宏达医学仪器设备贸易有限公司 450000
中文摘要:目的:以车前草作为研究对象,找出不同居群药材的微性状与显微特征异同点,以期为车前草的鉴别特征研究提供依据。方法:采集并加工不同居群的车前草原植物,采用徒手切片法制片,利用体视显微镜及光学显微镜对植物各器官进行观察,比较不同居群间车前草微性状及显微特征的差异。结果: 不同居群的车前草微性状特征的差异主要体现在叶两面是否有毛以及须根表面是否有褶皱。显微特征差异主要体现在花梗中非腺毛和纤维束的数量,叶肉上表皮内侧栅栏细胞的层数、叶表面垂周壁和非腺毛的形态、叶柄内皮层和维管束的形状等方面。结论:不同居群的车前草可通过微性状、显微特征进行鉴别,相关鉴别特征可为车前草标准的修订及提高提供依据。
中文关键词:车前草  不同居群  微性状  显微特征
Rapid identification of Plantago asiatica L. in different populations
Abstract:Objective: To observe the differences of Plantago asiatica L. from different populations by microscopic identification method and mini-macroscopical identification method, find out the similarities and differences and provide a basis for further improving the identification characteristics Plantago asiatica L. Methods: The primitive plants of Plantago asiatica L. were collected from different populations, and processed into medicinal materials according to the methods of Chinese pharmacopoeia. Various parts of the samples were observed such as stems, leaves, and inflorescences, and compared the differences in microcharacteristics between different populations by using stereomicroscopes and optical microscopes. The hand sectioning method was employed for slide preparation, and their microscopic features were observed with the optical microscope. Results: There are noticeable differences in the trichome types of leaves and persistent sepals, as well as in the characteristics of leaf stalks. The main differences in microscopic features are evident in the following aspects, such as the number of non-glandular trichomes, vascular bundles, the morphology of the endodermis and the number of layers of palisade mesophyll cells. Conclusion: Plantago asiatica L. from different populations can be distinguished based on stable microcharacteristics and microscopic features, and these distinguishing features can serve as a basis for revising and enhancing the standards for the identification of Plantago asiatica L.
keywords:Plantago asiatica L.  Different populations  Mini-macroscopical characters  Micro-character
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