投稿时间:2022-07-18  修订日期:2023-02-26  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 471
全文下载次数: 1439
费永和 海军军医大学药学系, 上海 200433  
崔俐俊 海军军医大学药学系, 上海 200433  
陈静 海军军医大学药学系, 上海 200433 cjchen_02@163.com 
中文摘要:目的 总结2010-2021年药事管理学科在国家自然科学基金中的立项和资助情况,为本学科的发展和基金申请提供参考。方法 通过查询国家自然科学基金官网数据和搜集相关文献,使用Excel统计分析药事管理相关立项情况。结果 国家自然科学基金药事管理方向申请路径多,研究方向和手段正在不断拓宽,研究人员跨专业申请药事管理的趋势也愈发显著,而立项基金资助机构和区域分布较集中。结论 本文通过统计2010年至2021年国家自然科学基金中药事管理相关数据,分析近年立项项目资助情况、研究热点和申请人的基本情况。建议申请时考虑个人优势、地区特点、交叉学科、国家政策等因素,为研究人员成功申请国家自然科学基金提供参考。
中文关键词:国家自然科学基金  药事管理  资助情况
Analysis on the funding of pharmacy administration from National Natural Science Foundation in China from 2010 to 2021
Abstract:Objective To summarize the project and fund of Pharmacy Administration from the NSFC during 2010 to 2021 and to provide references for the funding application. Methods The data and relevant documents which related to the projects status of Pharmacy Administration on the website of NSFC were collected and analyzed by Excel. Results There were more paths which were suitable to the Pharmacy Administration in NSFC. The direction and measure were expanded. There were more interdisciplinary researchers involved in Pharmacy Administration projects, while the funded organizations and regional distribution were concentrated. Conclusion The funding situation, research hotspots and basic information of applicants in recent years were summarized through statistical data of NSFC from 2010 to 2021, which suggest that the advantage, regional characteristics, cross-discipline and the policies should be concerned by the applicants .
keywords:NSFC  pharmacy administration  funding
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