投稿时间:2023-01-19  修订日期:2023-05-26  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1308
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李娟 安徽中医药大学, 安徽 合肥 230012
海军军医大学附属长征医院药剂科, 上海 200003 
庞涛 海军军医大学附属长征医院药剂科, 上海 200003  
徐德铎 海军军医大学附属长征医院药剂科, 上海 200003  
马尔丽 上海市药学会, 上海 200040  
陈卫东 安徽中医药大学, 安徽 合肥 230012  
张凤 海军军医大学附属长征医院药剂科, 上海 200003 fengzhangky@aliyun.com 
刘丙龙 上海市药学会, 上海 200040 lbl@shpha.org.cn 
基金项目:上海市科学技术委员会项目(22S21901900);院创新型临床研究资助项目(2020YLCYJ -Y25);上海市药学会药品临床综合评价与药物治疗路径研究项目(SHYXH-ZP-2021-001);上海市医苑新星青年医学人才培养资助计划(SHWSRS 2020-087)
中文摘要:目的 通过分析总结国内药品临床综合评价的研究现状,预测该领域的发展趋势,为进一步规范我国药品临床综合评价提供参考。方法 利用《中国期刊全文数据库》(中国知网)、《中国学术期刊数据库》(万方)和《中文科技期刊数据库》(维普),检索建库至2022年临床综合评价的相关文献,获取文献的基本信息,评价文献质量,运用文献计量学及CiteSpace6.1.R3软件对研究作者、研究机构及关键词等内容进行可视化展示。结果 经过筛选最终纳入126篇文献。分析结果显示:发文量有持续上升趋势,文献贡献最多的机构和作者分别是中国中医科学院和谢雁鸣。结论 研究人员紧跟政策要求,以药品临床价值为导向开展了药品临床综合评价。建议研究人员进一步根据政府机构、医药行业、临床应用关注的重点和要求,组织开展综合评价。
中文关键词:临床综合评价  文献计量学  CiteSpace  可视化分析
Visual analysis of clinical comprehensive evaluation of drugs in China by bibliometric analysis
Abstract:Objective To analyze the research status and predict the development trend of clinical comprehensive evaluation of drugs in China, and to provide reference for clinical comprehensive evaluation. Methods CNKI, Wanfang and VIP database were used to search the published articles of clinical comprehensive evaluation. Literature searching was set from the building time of the database to 2022, the basic information about the published articles was obtained for the evaluation of the literature quality. Bibliometrics and CiteSpace 6.1.R3 software were used to visualize the research authors, research institutions, and key words. Results After data screening, a total of 126 Chinese published articles were selected. The analysis showed that the numbers of published articles were rising continuously, and China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and Xie Yanming were the institute and the author with the maximum number of literatures, respectively. Conclusion The clinical comprehensive evaluation of drugs was conducted based on the clinical value of drugs, guided by the policy requirements. It is suggested that researchers should conduct the comprehensive evaluation according to the focus and requirements of government agencies, the pharmaceutical industry and the clinical applications.
keywords:Clinical comprehensive evaluation  Bibliometric  CiteSpace  Information visualization
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