投稿时间:2020-09-12  修订日期:2022-06-28  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 605
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庞素秋 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第910医院, 福建泉州 362000 
中文摘要:目的 回顾性分析湖北省某医院救治1765名新冠肺炎患者的抗病毒药物使用情况,为临床合理用药提供经验和建议。方法 依据国家卫健委《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案》推荐用药,对湖北省某医院在2020年2—4月救治新冠肺炎患者期间的抗病毒用药进行分析。结果 收治的1765名患者中,1114名患者使用了抗病毒药物,占63.11%;使用率排名前3位的抗病毒药物分别为阿比多尔981例(55.58%)、干扰素α-2b 340例(19.26%)和氯喹72例(4.08%),排名前3的药物占所有抗病毒药物的80.61%;在治疗方案上,单用阿比多尔的636例,占57.09%,单用干扰素α-2b的98例,占8.8%,阿比多尔联合干扰素α-2b的164例,占14.72%;干扰素α-2b、阿比多尔、氯喹均存在超过20%的超疗程用药;6例病人抗病毒用药超过3种,50例病人使用了未被诊疗方案(第八版)推荐的羟氯喹。结论 该院治疗新冠肺炎患者的抗病毒治疗用药,基本上是在国家卫健委同时段不断更新的《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案》指导下合理使用。
中文关键词:新冠肺炎  抗病毒药  用药分析  药学监护
Analysis of the use for antiviral drugs in the treatment of COVID-19 patients in a Hubei hospital in 2020
Abstract:Objective To retrospectively analyze the use of antiviral drugs in 1765 patients admitted to a hospital of COVID-19 in Hubei Province, and to provide experience and suggestions for clinical rational drug use. Methods The antiviral drugs used in a hospital in Hubei Province during the treatment of COVID-19 patients from February to April 2020 were analyzed according to the "New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program" recommendated by the National Health Commission. Results Among the 1765 patients, 1114 (63.11%) were treated with antiviral drugs. The top three antiviral drugs were arbidol (981 cases, use rate 55.58%), IFN-α-2b (340 cases, use rate 19.26%) and chloroquine (72 cases, use rate 4.08%) . Among all the antiviral regimens, 636 (57.09%) were treated with arbidol alone, followed by arbidol combined IFN-α-2b 164 (14.72%), arbidol combined IFN-α-2b 98 (8.8%), and the top three regimens accounted for 80.61% of all antiviral regimens. According to the COVID-19, IFN-α-2b, Arbidol, and chloroquine had more than 20% of the over-treatment duration, 6 patients used more than 3 antiviral drugs, and 50 patients had not been recommended for hydroxychloroquine. Conclusion The antiviral drugs used for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 in this hospital are basically used rationally under the guidance of the "New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program" continuously updated by the National Health Commission at the same time..
keywords:COVID-19  antiviral drugs  drug utilization review  pharmaceutical care
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