投稿时间:2021-02-20  修订日期:2021-12-10  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1163
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林源 温岭市中医院浙江 温岭 317500  
魏雨辰 海军军医大学药学系上海 200433  
李晓东 海军军医大学药学系上海 200433  
卜其涛 海军军医大学药学系上海 200433 bujenny@163.com 
许世辉 安徽省阜阳市食品药品检验检测中心安徽 阜阳 236015  
张成中 海军军医大学药学系上海 200433 zhangchzh09@163.com 
中文摘要:目的 制定符合《中国药典》要求的醋蒸延胡索质量标准,用于延胡索醋蒸炮制品种的生产、监督、流通及使用等各环节的质量控制。方法 参照《中国药典》(四部)2015年版通用检测方法分别对醋蒸延胡索的水分、总灰分、浸出物、主要有效成分含量进行测定。结果 依据中药质量标准制定指导原则及相关检测方法,根据实验数据,醋蒸延胡索呈不规则的圆形厚片,表面深黄色或黄褐色,有不规则细皱纹。质较硬,断面黄色或黄褐色,角质样,有蜡样光泽,微具醋香气,味苦。其水分含量不超过15.0%,总灰分不得超过4.0%,醇溶性浸出物不少于11.0%,按干燥品计算,含延胡索乙素(C21H25NO4)不少于0.050%。结论 实验所建立的醋蒸延胡索质量标准符合国家有关中药饮片质量标准制定要求,能够以标准的形式对醋蒸延胡索的质量进行控制。
中文关键词:醋蒸延胡索  鉴别  质量标准
Study on quality standard for vinegar-steamed Corydalis rhizoma
Abstract:Objective To set up the quality standards for vinegar-steamed Corydalis rhizome, which can be used for the quality control of production, supervision, circulation and application of the steam processed Corydalis rhizoma with vinegar. Methods The moisture content, total ash, ethanol extract content and active ingredients of the steam processed Corydalis rhizoma with vinegar were determined according to the related assay method in Part IV of Chinese Pharmacopeia 2015. Results According to the guidelines from the traditional Chinese medicine quality standards and related testing methods, the moisture content of steam processed Corydalis rhizoma with vinegar should be less than 15.0%, the total ash content less than 4.0%, the ethanol extract content more than 11.0%, and the representative component of tetrahydropalmatine more than 0.05%. Conclusion The established process with this study for the quality standard of vinegar-steamed Corydalis rhizoma was conformed to the state requirements for traditional Chinese medicine. It can be used as a reference for the quality standard of vinegar-steamed Corydalis rhizoma.
keywords:vinegar-steamed Corydalis rhizoma  identify  quality standard
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