投稿时间:2021-01-19  修订日期:2021-11-03  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 914
全文下载次数: 811
林爱云 厦门市妇幼保健院厦门大学附属妇女儿童医院药学部, 福建 厦门 361001  
宋洪涛 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九〇〇医院药学科, 福建 福州 350025 sohoto@vip.163.com 
黄珊 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九〇〇医院药学科, 福建 福州 350025  
中文摘要:目的 分析某三甲妇儿医院抽动障碍超说明书用药现状,以促进临床安全合理用药。方法 通过医院信息系统,抽取该院2019年7月—2020年8月诊断为抽动障碍的儿科门诊处方,以2020年超说明书用药管理规定为标准,评定处方的超说明书用药情况。结果 共收集到诊断为抽动障碍的儿科处方1251张,超说明书用药发生率为29.58%;超说明书用药的主要类型为超适应证和超年龄;超说明书用药的主要品种是利培酮片(47.84%)、阿立哌唑片(43.78%)。结论 该院儿科门诊抽动障碍超说明书用药比较普遍,需对超说明书用药进行规范化管理,保障合理用药。
中文关键词:抽动障碍  超说明书用药  用药安全
Retrospective investigation and analysis of off-label drug use for tic disorder in a tertiary women’s and children’s hospital
Abstract:Objective To analyze the current situation of off-label drug use for tic disorder in a tertiary maternity and child hospital, so as to promote clinical safe and rational drug use. Methods Through the hospital information system, the pediatric outpatient prescriptions diagnosed with tic disorder from July 2019 to August 2020 were selected, and the prescriptions of off-label use was evaluated according to the 2020 off-label drug management regulations. Results A total 1251 pediatric prescriptions diagnosed with tic disorder were collected. The incidence of off-label drug use was 29.58%. The main types of off-label were over-indications and over-age. The main varieties of off-label drug use were risperidone tablets (47.84%) and aripiprazole tablets (43.74%). Conclusion The off-label use of drug for tic disorder in pediatric outpatient department of our hospital is relatively common,and it is necessary to standardize the management of off-label drug use to ensure rational drug use.
keywords:tic disorder  off-label drug use  drug safety
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