投稿时间:2020-10-13  修订日期:2021-03-06  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1222
全文下载次数: 1907
袁一凡 海军军医大学药学院药物分析学教研室上海 200433  
陆峰 海军军医大学药学院药物分析学教研室上海 200433 fenglu@smmu.edu.cn 
中文摘要:目的 通过C-G碱基互补配对的方式,考察不同鸟嘌呤碱基(G)数目对DNA/银纳米簇荧光信号强度的影响,以此来探究新的荧光探针开关构建的方法。方法 利用核酸碱基互补配对原则,设计了一系列银纳米簇的适配体部分的互补序列,考察了银纳米簇的适配体序列中暴露的G碱基个数对荧光信号的影响。结果 碱基G可增强银纳米簇的荧光信号强度,且荧光信号强度与G碱基个数呈现正相关关系,拟合线性方程为Y=1726.1X+8972.5r=0.9789结论 该实验研究对于调节银纳米簇的荧光强度以及设计适配体为G四联体的荧光探针开关具有借鉴意义。
中文关键词:DNA/银纳米簇  互补配对  荧光探针  适配体
The effect of different guanine base number on fluorescence intensity of DNA/ silver nanoclusters
Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of different guanine base numbers on the fluorescence intensity of DNA/ silver nanoclusters through C-G base complementary pairing, in order to explore a new method for the construction of fluorescent probe switches.Methods Designed complementary sequences of aptamer parts of a series of silver nanoclusters by using the nucleic acid base complementary pairing principle, and investigated the effect of the number of G bases exposed in the aptamer sequence on the fluorescence signal.Results Base G could enhance the fluorescence signal intensity of silver nanoclusters, and the fluorescence signal strength was positively correlated with the number of G bases. The fitting linear equation was Y=1726.1X+8972.5, r=0.9789.Conclusion This study is a great reference for the regulation of fluorescence intensity of silver nanoclusters and the design of G quadruplet aptamer fluorescent probe switch.
keywords:DNA/AgNCs  complementary pairing  fluorescence probe  aptamer
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