自制复方特比萘酚软膏渗透促进剂的研究 |
投稿时间:2020-08-15 修订日期:2020-11-19 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:刘琳琳,严佳,周欣.自制复方特比萘酚软膏渗透促进剂的研究[J].药学实践杂志,2021,39(1):58~61,72 |
摘要点击次数: 1613 |
全文下载次数: 927 |
基金项目:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九〇〇医院临床应用研究专项院内课题(2019L17) |
中文摘要:目的 筛选并确定自制复方特比萘酚软膏中的渗透促进剂。方法 采用体外经皮渗透试验,使用立式Franz扩散池,接收液为60%聚乙二醇400-40%生理盐水,渗透膜为SD大鼠腹部皮肤,筛选最适渗透促进剂。结果 10%丙二醇对复方特比萘芬软膏的促渗作用明显大于15%丙二醇,对比氮酮和丙二醇的促渗效果,10%丙二醇优于3%氮酮。结论 本研究通过对丙二醇和氮酮进行分析比较和筛选,最终选择10%丙二醇作为自制复方特比萘酚软膏渗透促进剂,大大提高了药物在皮肤中的溶解度。 |
中文关键词:复方特比萘酚软膏 渗透促进剂 丙二醇 |
Penetration enhancer for pharmacy prepared compound terbinafine ointment |
Abstract:Objective To screen and identify the penetration enhancer in pharmacy prepared compound terbinafine ointment.Methods In vitro percutaneous penetration test was conducted with vertical Franz diffusion pool. The SD rat's abdomen skin was used for permeable membrane and 60% polyethylene glycol 400-40% saline for receiving liquid to analyze different osmotic promoters.Results The permeability of compound terbinafine ointment was significantly higher with 10% propylene glycol than 15% propylene glycol. The compound terbinafine ointment with 10% propylene glycol was also better than 3% azone in permeability.Conclusion 10% propylene glycol was selected to be the penetration promoter for pharmacy prepared compound terbinafine ointment, which improved the solubility of the drug in the skin. |
keywords:compound terbinafine ointment penetration enhancer propylene glycol |
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