投稿时间:2019-11-14  修订日期:2020-03-03  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1460
全文下载次数: 799
王敏芳 上海市中医医院药剂科上海 200071  
傅翔 上海市控江医院药剂科上海 200093  
朱剑敏 上海市中医医院药剂科上海 200071  
徐浩铭 上海市中医医院药剂科上海 200071  
张立超 上海市中医医院药剂科上海 200071 changhaiskin@163.com 
基金项目:上海市中医药科技创新“智慧中医”项目(ZYKC 201603004);上海中医药大学预算内项目(18WK107)
中文摘要:目的 提高中药饮片调剂质量,减少患者对质量问题的投诉,提高患者满意度。方法 对不同调剂方式的质量投诉进行分析,采用PDCA循环法实现持续质量改进。结果 新的中药饮片质量监管模式包括药师驻厂管理、药厂飞行检查等事前监管措施,患者-药房-药厂-快递的快速质量问题处理等事中处理措施,以及药厂评估、药厂季度沟通会等事后追溯措施。结论 经过3年的实践,新的质量监管模式有效降低了中药房质量投诉率,明显提高了中药饮片代配送质量。
中文关键词:中药饮片  代配送  质量监管
The new quality control mode for authorized distribution of traditional Chinese medicine pieces
Abstract:Objective To improve the quality for authorized distribution of traditional Chinese medicine pieces, reduce patient complaints and increase patient satisfaction.Methods Patient’s complaints against different drug dispensing modes were analyzed. PDCA cycle was used for quality improvements.Results The new quality control mode includes pre monitoring measures, such as pharmacist resident in pharmaceutical factories and unannounced factory inspections, the fast-track handing measures for the problems occurred in patients, pharmacies, pharmaceutical factories and express delivery companies, and retrospective measures, such as evaluation of pharmaceutical factories and quarterly pharmaceutical factory communication meetings.Conclusion Three years after the new quality control mode, patient’s complaints were significantly reduced. The authorized distribution quality for traditional Chinese medicine pieces was greatly improved.
keywords:traditional Chinese medicine pieces  authorized distribution  quality control
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