投稿时间:2020-03-29  修订日期:2020-05-29  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1550
全文下载次数: 1509
张成中 海军军医大学药学院中药鉴定学教研室上海 200433  
万赫 海军军医大学药学院中药鉴定学教研室上海 200433  
蒋益萍 海军军医大学药学院生药学教研室上海 200433  
贾丹 海军军医大学药学院中药鉴定学教研室上海 200433  
冯坤苗 海军军医大学药学院生药学教研室上海 200433  
辛海量 海军军医大学药学院生药学教研室上海 200433 hailiangxin@163.com 
中文摘要:目的 以水晶兰苷为指标建立酒制巴戟天最佳炮制工艺。方法 采用星点设计-效应面法以辅料黄酒用量、润药时间为考察因素,水晶兰苷的含量变化为评价指标,优化酒蒸巴戟天的炮制工艺。结果 星点设计-效应面法优化酒制巴戟天的最佳炮制工艺为:辅料黄酒用量为10%(g/g)、浸润时间为1 h,蒸透,干燥。结论 以黄酒用量、浸润时间为考察因素,水晶兰苷为评价指标的响应面法能够用于优化酒蒸巴戟天的最佳炮制工艺。
中文关键词:效应面法  巴戟天  酒制  炮制工艺
Process optimization of Morinda officinalis with wine steaming by star dot design-response surface methodology
Abstract:Objective To establish the best wine steaming process for morinda officinalis with monotropein as indicator.Methods Response surface methodology was used to optimize the wine steaming process for morinda officinalis with the amount of rice wine, stewing time, moistening time and the monotropein content as evaluation indexes.Results The best condition was identified with rice wine (rice wine/herbs, g/g) 10%, moistening time 1.0 h, fully steamed and dried.Conclusion The Star dot design-response surface method can be used to optimize the wine steaming process for morinda officinalis.
keywords:star dot design-response surface methodology  Morinda officinali  wine steaming  processing technology
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