投稿时间:2020-03-11  修订日期:2020-05-25  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1334
全文下载次数: 1159
万众 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院泌尿外科上海 200080  
于丹 山东中医药大学药学院山东 济南 250355  
王菲 山东中医药大学药学院山东 济南 250355  
李伟 山东中医药大学药学院山东 济南 250355  
张海 同济大学附属第一妇婴保健院药剂科上海 201204 zhxdks2005@126.com 
中文摘要:目的 分析鉴别红色诺卡菌细胞壁骨架(Nr-CWS)中的化学成分,并对其中的单糖成分进行分析测定。方法 首先,采用UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS方法对Nr-CWS提取物中的化学成分进行分离与分析,通过与Metlin数据库中代谢物成分信息比对,快速鉴别其中化学成分。然后,对Nr-CWS提取物中多糖水解后衍生化,采用UHPLC-MS/MS法对单糖衍生物进行定量分析,测定单糖的含量。结果 共鉴别出Nr-CWS提取物中的64个化学成分,主要包括氨基酸、单糖、脂肪酸等成分。此外,建立了8种单糖柱前衍生化的UHPLC-MS/MS含量测定方法,含量测定结果表明,Nr-CWS中阿拉伯糖和半乳糖的含量最高,说明阿拉伯糖、半乳糖是组成Nr-CWS中多糖的主要组成成分。结论 通过对Nr-CWS中的主要化学成分进行了分离与分析,对多糖水解后的单糖成分进行含量测定,为今后开展Nr-CWS活性成分的筛选及药理作用机制的研究奠定基础。
中文关键词:红色诺卡菌细胞壁骨架  化学成分  鉴别  单糖  含量测定
Identification of chemical components and monosaccharide assay in Nocardia rubra cell wall skeleton
Abstract:Objective To analyze and identify the chemical components in the Nocardia rubra cell wall skeleton (Nr-CWS), and to determine the contents of monosaccharides accurately.Methods The extract of Nr-CWS was separated and analyzed by UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS method. The chemical components were quickly identified by matching the data with the information in the Metlin database. The monosaccharide contents in the Nr-CWS extract were determined by UHPLC-MS/MS method after derivatization.Results A total of 64 chemical components were identified in the extract of Nr-CWS, including amino acids, monosaccharides and so on. A assay method for 8 monosaccharides by UHPLC-MS/MS was successfully established. The content of arabinose in Nr-CWS was the highest, followed by galactose, which indicated that the main polysaccharide components in Nr-CWS may be composed of these monosaccharides.Conclusion In this study, we analyzed the main chemical components of Nr-CWS, which are amino acids, fatty acids and so on. The content of monosaccharide after polysaccharide hydrolysis was determined by UHPLC-MS/MS. This will lay a foundation for the screening of the active components of Nr-CWS and the study of its pharmacological mechanism.
keywords:Nocardia rubra cell wall skeleton  chemical component  identification  monosaccharide  determination
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