投稿时间:2019-04-25  修订日期:2020-02-18  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1531
全文下载次数: 1939
王云 西南交通大学生命科学与工程学院, 成都 610031  
吕敏 西南交通大学生命科学与工程学院, 成都 610031  
梁杰 西南交通大学生命科学与工程学院, 成都 610031  
孙华 西南交通大学生命科学与工程学院, 成都 610031  
张梦琪 西南交通大学生命科学与工程学院, 成都 610031  
兰泽伦 国家中医药管理局中药炮制技术重点研究室, 成都 610036  
万军 西南交通大学生命科学与工程学院, 成都 610031  
周霞 西南交通大学生命科学与工程学院, 成都 610031 wwangyidi@126.com 
中文摘要:目的 考察山楂饮片及类黑素对双歧杆菌和大肠杆菌体外生长的影响。方法 参照2015版《中国药典》方法炮制焦山楂,通过大孔吸附树脂提取工艺对焦山楂中的类黑素进行分离提纯,紫外分光光度法检测类黑素;气相色谱法检测生山楂、焦山楂和类黑素对双歧杆菌和大肠杆菌生长期、稳定期和衰亡期乙酸含量的影响。结果 初期生山楂和焦山楂对细菌的影响大于类黑素,中后期类黑素通过改变乙酸的生成抑制大肠杆菌生长代谢,以及改变双歧杆菌生长代谢规律,促进乙酸生成,调节肠道菌群。结论 生山楂、焦山楂和类黑素均通过促进肠道菌群生长代谢,促进消化。其中,焦山楂对肠道菌群效果较好。
中文关键词:类黑素  焦山楂  气相色谱  双歧杆菌  大肠杆菌
Effects of hawthorn and melanoidins on the in-vitro growth of Bifidobacterium and E.coli
Abstract:Objective Effect of hawthorn and melanoidins on the in-vitro growth of Bifidobacterium and E.coli.Methods According to methods of the Chinese pharmacopoeia (2015),the charred hawthorn was prepared. The melanoidins in charred hawthorn were separated and purified by the macroporous resin extraction process. Ultraviolet spectrophotometry was used to detect melanoidins. The gas chromatography was used to detect the effects of hawthorn, charred hawthorn and melanoidins on the content of the acetic acid in Bifidobacterium and E.coli during growth, stable and decay period.Results In the early stage, the effects of hawthorn and charred hawthorn on bacteria were greater than melanoidins. In the middle and late stage, melanoidins inhibited the growth and metabolism of E.coli by changing the generation of acetic acid, and contributed to that of Bifidobacterium and also promoted the generation of acetic acid and regulate the intestinal flora.Conclusion Hawthorn, charred hawthorn and melanoidins all promote digestion by promoting the growth and metabolism of intestinal flora. Among them, charred hawthorn has a better effect on intestinal flora.
keywords:melanoidins  charred hawthorn  gas chromatography  Bifidobacterium  E.coli
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