投稿时间:2019-06-27  修订日期:2019-10-31  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 3430
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方惠玉 浙江省嘉兴市康慈医院药学部, 浙江 嘉兴, 314500 
顾琰颖 浙江省嘉兴市康慈医院检验科, 浙江 嘉兴, 314500 
中文摘要:目的 探讨齐拉西酮对精神分裂症患者血清胆碱酯酶浓度(CHE)浓度的影响。方法 将126例精神分裂症患者随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组给予齐拉西酮治疗,对照组给予氯氮平治疗,进行阳性和阴性症状量表(PANSS)评定,并检测治疗后7、14、28 d的CHE浓度。结果 ①治疗后观察组和对照组PANSS得分均有不同程度的降低,但对照组PANSS得分显著低于观察组[阳性症状:(15.3±4.7)vs(22.4±4.8),P<0.01;阴性症状:(14.6±4.5)vs(21.8±5.2),P<0.01;一般精神症状:(13.3±3.4)vs(19.2±3.9),P<0.01)]。②齐拉西酮或氯氮平治疗均能明显降低CHE的浓度;两种药物分别治疗28 d后,对照组CHE浓度较观察组明显降低[(8 339±2 106)vs(7 366±2 024),P<0.01]。③治疗中两组均有不良反应,观察组不良反应率为34.9%,对照组不良反应率为71.4%,组间比较有显著性差异(χ2=16 862,P<0.001)。结论 齐拉西酮能对CHE活性有抑制作用,其抑制强度较氯氮平弱,从而可能使齐拉西酮对精神分裂症患者疗效低于氯氮平,但其安全性明显高于氯氮平。
中文关键词:齐拉西酮  精神分裂症  血清胆碱酯酶
Effects of ziprasidone on serum cholinesterase concentration in schizophrenia patients
Abstract:Objective To explore the effects of ziprasidone and clozapine on serum cholinesterase (CHE) concentration in schizophrenia patients.Methods 126 schizophrenia patients were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group. The observation group was treated with ziprasidone. The control group received clozapine. The serum CHE concentration was assayed at 7, 14 and 28 days after treatment.Results ① The PANSS scores in both groups were significantly reduced after treatment, while the control group was lower than the observation group (PANSS score for positive symptoms:15.3±4.7 vs 22.4±4.8, P<0.01; negative symptoms:14.6±4.5 vs 21.8±5.2, P<0.01; general psychiatric symptoms:13.3±3.4 vs 19.2±3.9, P<0.01). ② CHE levels were decreased in both groups after treatment. The control group exhibited greater decrease than the observation group. ③ The observation group had lower adverse reaction rate (34.9%) compared to control group (71.4%).Conclusion ziprasidone has weaker inhibitory effect on CHE activity compared to clozapine. This may explain that ziprasidone has lower therapeutic efficacy and better safety profile.
keywords:ziprasidone  schizophrenia  serum cholinesterase
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