投稿时间:2019-08-12  修订日期:2019-11-12  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 5100
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张潘潘 海军军医大学附属长征医院, 上海 200003  
刘敏 海军军医大学附属长海医院, 上海 200433  
徐晶鸿 海军特色医学中心, 上海 200052  
王云霞 海军军医大学心理与精神卫生学系基础心理学教研室, 上海 200433  
陶霞 海军军医大学附属长征医院, 上海 200003 taoxia2003@126.com 
中文摘要:目的 对“和谐使命-2018”任务中,多米尼克与多米尼加站医疗服务过程中药品使用情况进行分析,为今后类似医疗服务的药品保障工作提供参考。方法 从计算机系统中提取两个国家医疗服务期间药品使用的数据,对药品使用情况进行汇总、分析。结果 多米尼克与多米尼加两站用药金额、数量及种类排第一的均为外用药,中成药在两国的认可程度较高,两站医疗服务用药情况相似,又各有特点,用药数量大的药品分别为骨科、消化系统、眼科及皮肤科用药。结论 医疗服务药品的使用情况与到访国的国情密切相关。应根据到访国的疾病谱,以及前期医疗服务类似国家的药品使用情况,合理准备药品。
中文关键词:和谐使命  多米尼克  多米尼加  医疗服务  药品使用
Analysis of drug consumption in medical service for Dominica and Dominican in Harmonious Mission -2018
Abstract:Objective To analyze the drug consumption in medical service for Dominica and Dominican in Harmonious Mission -2018, and provide reference for future drug supply services in similar countries.Methods Data of the drugs used during the medical service of the two countries were extracted from the computer system, which were summarized and analyzed.Results Ranking first in drug consumption in medical service for Dominica and Dominican was external drugs. Chinese traditional medicines were very popular in both two countries. There were great similarities and unique characteristics in the drug consumption during medical service between the two countries, orthopedic drugs, digestive system drugs, ophthalmic drugs and dermatological drugs were frequently used drugs.Conclusion The drug consumption in medical service was closely associated with the national conditions. Therefore, in order to prepare medicines reasonably in future overseas medical service, disease distribution of the country which would be visited and drug consumption in the similar country which had been visited before should be concerned.
keywords:Harmonious Mission  Dominica  Dominican  medical service  drug consumption
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