投稿时间:2018-12-21  修订日期:2019-04-03  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1708
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辛红霞 河南省立眼科医院, 河南 郑州, 450003
河南省眼科研究所, 河南 郑州, 450003
河南省人民医院眼科, 河南 郑州, 450003
朱雅静 郑州大学药学院, 河南 郑州, 450001  
任梦 郑州大学药学院, 河南 郑州, 450001  
刘伟 郑州大学药学院, 河南 郑州, 450001 liuweiyxy@zzu.edu.cn 
中文摘要:目的 了解我国医院高血压合理用药文献的研究趋势和热点,为提出促进高血压合理用药的相关措施提供参考。方法 检索2010—2017年中国知网数据库、万方数据库、维普数据库收录的高血压合理用药的相关文献,运用书目信息共现分析系统(BICOMB)2.0提取关键词、年份及相应文献量、期刊、作者及机构等参量进行文献计量学分析,并构建高频关键词词篇矩阵;将该词篇矩阵导入SPSS21.0软件进行系统聚类分析;利用图形聚类工具包(gCLUTO)1.0版对词篇矩阵进行词篇共现分析和双聚类可视化分析。结果 从知网、万方、维普三大数据库共检索到高血压合理用药相关文献1 010篇;从年发文量来看,高血压合理用药问题一直是研究热点;从期刊分布来看,高血压合理用药相关文献分布于262种期刊,高血压合理用药问题受到期刊界的广泛关注;从发文作者来看,我国还未形成高血压合理用药研究的核心力量;从单位分布来看,发文机构分散,多数为医院;高频关键词聚焦于“抗高血压药物/降压药、合理用药、高血压、用药分析”等。结论 我国目前对于高血压合理用药的研究多为对单个医院高血压患者用药合理性评价或是对抗高血压药物临床应用的分析,该领域的研究仍需从简单定性分析转向多地区、多层次、大样本的定量分析,以更好地促进高血压合理用药。
中文关键词:高血压  合理用药  文献计量学  聚类分析
Metrological analysis of the literature on rational use of hypertension in China
Abstract:Objective To understand the research trends and hot issues of the research literature on the rational drug use of hypertension in Chinese hospital,and provide reference for promoting rational drug use of hypertension.Methods Literature of rational drug use in CNKI,Wanfang Database and VIP Database from 2010 to 2017 was retrieved,Bibliographic information system(BICOMB 2.0)was used to extract keywords,yeas and the corresponding literature quantity,journals,authors and institutions for literature metrology,article matrix about high-frequency keywords was established; the article matrix were imported into SPSS 21.0 for cluster analysis;and finally,graphical cluster toolkit(gCLUTO 1.0)was applied for co-occurrence analysis and visualized cluster analysis.Results 1 010 related literatures were retrieved from CNKI,Wanfang Database and VIP Database.According to the publication of every year,the rational drug use of hypertension had been a hot topic.According to the distribution of periodicals,the literature on rational drug use of hypertension was distributed in 262 journals,and the rational drug use of hypertension was widely concerned in various journals.According to the author,China had not formed the core strength of rational drug use research; According to the distribution of author units,the distribution organization was dispersed,most of which were hospitals.High-frequency key words focus on "anti-hypertension drugs,rational drug use,hypertension,analysis of drugs use,etc".Conclusion Researches on rational drug use of hypertension in our country were mainly to evaluate the rationality of the medication of patients with hypertension in a single hospital or the clinical application of antihypertensive drugs.Therefore,the field of research still need to shift from simple qualitative analysis to multi-regional,multi-level,large sample quantitative analysis,in order to better promote the rational drug use of hypertension.
keywords:hypertension  rational drug use  bibliometrics  cluster analysis
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