鸡骨草的资源调查与生药学鉴定 |
投稿时间:2018-12-05 修订日期:2019-03-05 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:肖晓,姚香草,余亚茹,许重远,黄宝康.鸡骨草的资源调查与生药学鉴定[J].药学实践杂志,2019,37(4):318~321 |
摘要点击次数: 1499 |
全文下载次数: 910 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金-广东联合基金重点项目(U1401226) |
中文摘要:目的 对南药鸡骨草进行资源调查与生药学鉴定,为正确鉴别鸡骨草药材以及安全合理开发利用鸡骨草中药资源提供科学依据。方法 通过对广州相思子Abrus cantoniensis Hance (鸡骨草)与毛相思子Abrus mollis Hance进行文献、标本、野外调查及商品药材调查,明确其资源分布,通过形态学比较与显微切片观察比较鸡骨草与毛鸡骨草的鉴别特征。结果 鸡骨草主要分布于广东、广西、湖南等地,毛鸡骨草主要分布于广东、广西、福建等地。民间毛鸡骨草用作鸡骨草的代用品。两者原植物的主要区别在于形态、小叶及被毛等特征的不同。显微结构主要体现在非腺毛以及次生木质部导管分布等方面的差异。结论 鸡骨草与毛鸡骨草的植物形态、药材性状与显微结构均存在一定差异,可以作为区别两者的鉴别特征,为鸡骨草药材的安全使用提供科学依据。 |
中文关键词:鸡骨草 毛鸡骨草 资源调查 生药学鉴定 显微鉴定 |
Resources investigation and pharmacognostical identification on Abri Herba |
Abstract:Objective To investigate the distribution of resources and pharmacognostical characteristics of Abri herba and provide scientific basis for the identification and utilization of Abri herba safely and rationally. Methods Through the literature search,specimen comparison,field investigation of the commercial medicinal materials of Abrus cantoniensis Hance and Abrus mollis Hance,the resource distribution and pharmacognostical characteristics of Abri herba were clarified.Results Abrus cantoniensis was mainly distributed in Guangdong,Guangxi,Hunan and other places.Abrus mollis was mainly distributed in Guangdong,Guangxi,Fujian and other places.Abrus mollis is used as a substitute for Abri herba.There are some main differences in morphology,foliage,hair covering status between the two plants.Microstructure differences between those two plants were mainly exhibited in the distribution of non-glandular hairs and secondary xylem vessels.Conclusion Abri herba is an important traditional Southern medicine of China.The differences in plant morphology,medicinal properties and microscopic structure between Abrus cantoniensis and Abrus mollis.can be used as distinguishing features and serve as scientific basis for the safe use of Abri herba. |
keywords:Abri herba Abrus mollis Hance resource investigation pharmacognostical identification microscopical identification |
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