真菌Chaetomium sp.的次级代谢产物研究
投稿时间:2018-11-06  修订日期:2019-02-25  点此下载全文
引用本文:孟慧,许勇.真菌Chaetomium sp.的次级代谢产物研究[J].药学实践杂志,2019,37(4):314~317
摘要点击次数: 1497
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孟慧 中国人民解放军海军905医院设备科, 上海, 200052  
许勇 中国人民解放军海军905医院设备科, 上海, 200052 xyong95@hotmail.com 
中文摘要:目的 对海洋毛壳属真菌Chaetomium sp.的次级代谢产物进行研究。方法 运用硅胶柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20凝胶柱色谱、HPLC等现代色谱方法对Chaetomium sp.的发酵产物进行分离纯化,利用现代波谱技术结合文献报道进行结构鉴定。结果 共分离得到4个十元环内酯化合物,botryolides A、botryolides B、botryolides D和decarestrictine I,1个倍半萜类化合物trichothecolone。结论 本研究是对海洋真菌Chaetomium sp.次级代谢产物的首次报道,5种化合物均为首次从该种真菌中分离得到。
中文关键词:海洋真菌  毛壳属  十元环内酯  倍半萜  细胞毒活性
Study on the secondary metabolites of the fungus Chaetomium sp.
Abstract:Objective To investigate the secondary metabolites of the marine fungi Chaetomium sp.Methods The EtOAc extract of Chaetomium sp.fermentation was purified by repeated column chromatography on silica gel,Sephadex LH-20,and high-performance liquid chromatography.The isolated compounds were structurally elucidated by spectroscopic analysis and by comparison with literatures previously reported.Results Four nonanolides including botryolides A,B,D,decarestrictine I,together with one sesquiterpene trichothecolone were isolated and structurally elucidated. Conclusion 5 Compounds were reported for the first time from the marine fungi Chaetomium sp.
keywords:marine fungi  Chaetomium sp.  nonanolide  sesquiterpene  cytotoxicity
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