中学生膳食补充剂服用行为学调查研究 |
投稿时间:2017-12-01 修订日期:2018-01-08 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:杜娟,张知愉,徐纪平.中学生膳食补充剂服用行为学调查研究[J].药学实践杂志,2018,36(1):93~96 |
摘要点击次数: 1864 |
全文下载次数: 1215 |
中文摘要:目的 了解沈阳、上海两地中学生服用膳食补充剂的情况。方法 以沈阳、上海两地中学生为调查对象,向有意愿参与调查的11所中学各年级中学生发放调查问卷,获得调查对象的人口统计学特征,以及膳食补充剂认知、态度和有关行为学特征。结果 共发出1 210份调查问卷,回收有效问卷916份,被调查的中学生膳食补充剂服用率为24.56%,服用者中50.89%认为取得预期效果,不同年级、不同城市的中学生服用膳食补充剂的比例不同,家长职业与医药相关的中学生服用率高于对照组(P<0.01);服用膳食补充剂的主要目的是补充维生素和微量元素;首选的获得渠道是实体药店;首选的资讯来源是医药营养专业人员推荐;多数受调查家庭(78.93%)对膳食补充剂的类别和品牌持无所谓态度,但沈阳市较上海市、家长职业与医药相关较无关的中学生家庭更关注药品的类别和品牌(P<0.01);膳食补充剂的主观服用效果仅与性别、服药习惯有关(P<0.01)。结论 约1/4的中学生服用膳食补充剂,初中和高中入学阶段应当展开膳食补充剂服用安全教育;服用特征城市间差异明显,家长职业与医药相关的家庭更偏好服用膳食补充剂,中学生家庭对于膳食补充剂的获得渠道和资讯渠道偏好较为理性。 |
中文关键词:膳食补充剂 中学生 行为学 |
Survey on the utility behavior of dietary supplement in middle school students |
Abstract:Objective To investigate the utility behavior of dietary supplement in middle school students from Shenyang and Shanghai. Methods The survey questionnaires were handed out to the middle school students from different grades of 11 schools in Shenyang and Shanghai. The characteristics of population statistic and behavior on the understanding and attitude of dietary supplement were collected. Results 1 210 survey questionnaires were handed out and 916 were taken back effectively. The utility rate of dietary supplement was 24.56% in this survey. 50.89% of the user considered that taking the dietary supplement reached the expected effect. The probability of the dietary supplement utility in students was different in different grade and city. The utility rate of the dietary supplement from the students whose parents had medical related occupations was higher than others. The main objective of taking dietary supplement was supplement vitamin and microelement. The pharmacy was the primary channel to get the dietary supplement. The information and recommendations of the dietary supplement was mainly coming from experts in medicine and nutrition. 78.93% of the responders made no difference of the category and trademark of dietary supplement. But the responders from Shenyang and family which had medicine related parents took more attention on the category and trademark of dietary supplement than that from Shanghai and family which had not medicine related parents. (P<0.01) The effectiveness of dietary supplement from the responders was related to gender and administer habit. (P<0.01) Conclusion A quarter of the survey students were taken dietary supplement. The safety education of dietary supplement utility should be carried out during middle school. Family from different city had differences in the utility of dietary supplement. Family with medicine related parents preferred to take dietary supplement. The channel of supply and recommendation was rational in the middle school student's family. |
keywords:dietary supplement junior high and high school student behavior |
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