投稿时间:2016-09-17  修订日期:2017-01-16  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1644
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陈瑶 湖南省娄底市中心医院药剂科, 湖南 娄底 417000 
宋香清 湖南省肿瘤医院药学部, 湖南 长沙 410013 
中文摘要:目的 考察T>MIC简易数学模型对二室模型的适用性,简化T>MIC计算过程,并据此探讨美罗培南给药方案。方法 以美罗培南的推荐剂量和静脉输注时间分别为0.5 h与3 h设计6种临床常用方案(0.5 g/次 q8 h 0.5 h、0.5 g/次 q8 h 3 h、1.0 g/次 q8 h 0.5 h、1.0 g/次q8 h 3 h、2.0 g/次q8 h 0.5 h、2.0 g/次q8 h 3 h),各方案分别与美罗培南对临床常见致病菌的4种MIC敏感性折点(0.5、1、2、4 μg/ml)组合形成不同的T>MIC,每种方案的T>MIC又可根据简易模型和二室模型计算,结果形成不同方案下的T>MIC对子,T>MIC差异采用配对样本t检验,考察简易数学模型的拓展适用性。并根据简易模型计算T>MIC%,以其达到40%~100%探讨美罗培南对不同细菌感染的给药方案。结果与结论 简易模型可替代二室模型计算T>MIC,根据该模型从理论上可方便快捷地对美罗培南给药方案进行初判和模拟优化。
中文关键词:T>MIC  碳青霉烯  美罗培南  一室模型  二室模型
Meropenem regimens based on the simple mathematical model of T>MIC for two-compartment model
Abstract:Objective To simplify the calculation of T>MIC and evaluate meropenem regimens based on the simple mathematical model of T>MIC reported in literature for two-compartment model. Methods Six meropenem regimens were designed according to the recommended dose with the infusion duration of 0.5 h and 3 h. Four different MIC susceptibility breakpoint of meropenem against clinical microbiologic flora were used to formulate different T>MIC.Each T>MIC was calculated by both the simple and two-compartment model of T>MIC.Meropenem regimens were evaluated for different bacterial infections based on the simple model of T>MIC with 40%~100% of the T>MIC% as the target. The t-test suggested no significant difference between the pairs of T>MIC calculated by the two models. Results and Conclusion Simple model of T>MIC can replace the two-compartment model.Meropenem regimens can be optimized based on this simple model of T>MIC conveniently and quickly.
keywords:times above MIC(T>MIC)  carbapenem  meropenem  one-compartment model  two-compartment model
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