投稿时间:2016-12-28  修订日期:2017-01-18  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1322
全文下载次数: 1012
杨东 潍坊市益都中心医院, 山东 潍坊 262500
长春中医药大学, 吉林 长春 130117 
毕建云 山东中医药大学, 山东 济南 250355 bjy1217@126.com 
郭艳伟 潍坊市益都中心医院, 山东 潍坊 262500  
张震宇 山东中医药大学, 山东 济南 250355  
中文摘要:目的 优选逐瘀止痛凝胶膏剂的水提工艺。方法 以赤芍中的芍药苷得率及干膏得率为考察指标,在单因素实验的基础上,采用正交设计优选出逐瘀止痛凝胶膏剂水提取工艺。结果 优选出的水提工艺为:浸泡1 h,加8倍量水(第2、3次加8倍水),回流提取3次,每次1.5 h。结论 该提取工艺科学合理、稳定可行,可用于逐瘀止痛凝胶膏剂的工业化生产。
中文关键词:逐瘀止痛  凝胶膏剂  芍药苷  正交试验
Optimization of the water extraction process for Zhuyu Zhitong gel paste by orthogonal experiment
Abstract:Objective To study the water extraction process of Zhuyu Zhitong gel paste.Methods With the yields of paeoniflorin and the dry paste as target, the water extraction process of Zhuyu Zhitong gel paste was optimized by an orthogonal experimental design based on the single factor experiment.Results The optimized water extraction process of Zhuyu Zhitong gel paste was soaking the materials for 1 h with 8 times of water, then extracting 1.5 h for three times with the same amount of water.Conclusion The optimized extraction process was consistent, reasonable and feasible for large production.
keywords:Zhuyu Zhitong  gel paste  paeoniflorin  orthogonal experiment
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