投稿时间:2014-07-09  修订日期:2015-05-18  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 2092
全文下载次数: 294
王琲 第二军医大学 长海医院药学部, 上海 200433  
张文静 第二军医大学 长海医院药学部, 上海 200433  
钱皎 第二军医大学 长海医院药学部, 上海 200433  
王卓 第二军医大学 长海医院药学部, 上海 200433 
高申 第二军医大学 长海医院药学部, 上海 200433  
柴逸峰 第二军医大学 药学院, 上海 200433  
中文摘要:目的 探讨和分析我国临床药学研究生教育现状,促进提高临床药学研究生教育水平和质量。 方法 通过网络检索文献,调查我国临床药学教育现状,分析评价临床药学教育模式和发展趋势。 结果 纳入分析的文献136篇,涉及现状分析、模式探讨、国内外比较和课程优化的文献70篇(51.47%)。分析表明目前临床药学研究生教育主要有专业学位和科学学位2种培养模式,但在课程设置和教学方法方面尚未形成较为成熟的教育模式。主要问题是:课程设置不合理、临床实践学时不足、教学内容与临床需求脱节。 结论 我国现行临床药学研究生教育尚不能达到研究生培养目标,也难以满足临床药学对研究生人才的需要。建议在临床药学研究生的培养过程中要注重理论联系实际,突出医药融会贯通,优化教学内容和方法,规范教学质量标准。
中文关键词:临床药学  研究生教育  专业学位  课程设置  教学方法  研究方向
Current status analysis and outlook of clinical pharmacy postgraduate education in China
Abstract:Objective To explore and analyze the current status of the postgraduate education of clinical pharmacy in China for improving its level and quality. Methods Comprehensive analysis and evaluation were applied for the education models and trends of clinical pharmacy in China through the internet and related databases. Results 136 articles were analyzed, of which 70 articles (51.47%) involved status analysis, education pattern discussion, in China and international comparison and curriculum optimization. The analysis result indicates that there are two main cultivation models for postgraduate education of clinical pharmacy: professional degree and scientific degree. The educational model is still immature in curriculum and teaching methods. The main problems are: curriculum unreasonable, lack of clinical practice hours, and disconnection of teaching contents and clinical needs. Conclusion The current postgraduate education of clinical pharmacy in China cannot achieve the goal of postgraduate education, it is hard to meet the needs of clinical pharmacy postgraduate talents. We recommended that clinical pharmacy postgraduate training process should focus on linking theory with practice, outstanding mastery medicine as well as clinical pharmacy, optimizing teaching content and methods, and regulating the quality of teaching standards.
keywords:clinical pharmacy  postgraduate education  professional degree  curriculum  teaching methods  research area
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