门诊和急诊抗菌药物处方超说明书情况调查分析 |
投稿时间:2014-09-10 修订日期:2014-12-24 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:谭朝丹,时扣荣,刘娟,顾伟鹰,陈伟成.门诊和急诊抗菌药物处方超说明书情况调查分析[J].药学实践杂志,2015,33(4):376~379 |
摘要点击次数: 2188 |
全文下载次数: 466 |
基金项目:浦东新区中药药剂学科(示范中药房)建设项目(PDZYXK-2-2013002);上海市第七人民医院"七院新星"人才培养项目(XX2014-04) |
中文摘要:目的 对门诊、急诊抗菌药物超说明书用药情况进行调研分析,为探索适合医院实际的超说明书用药管理模式提供依据。 方法 随机抽取上海市第七人民医院2013年门诊、急诊10%的抗菌药物处方进行点评,对超说明书用药情况进行评估,统计各类抗菌药物超说明书使用率、超说明书用药类型分布,并评价其合理性。 结果 共抽取门、急诊抗菌药物处方23 600张,涉及9大类,共43种抗菌药物,总体超说明书使用率为22.00%;超说明书处方数量最多的是头孢菌素类(13 206张),超说明书使用率最高的为硝基咪唑类(73.45%);超说明书用药类型主要表现为超频次(55.64%)、超剂量(52.60%),口服药品超剂量最为显著(72.46%),与之相比,注射剂主要表现为超给药频次(82.18%)、超溶媒(38.80%)。 结论 医院抗菌药物超说明书用药现象较为严重,大部分属于不合理用药,少有合理依据,总体亟待规范。 |
中文关键词:抗菌药物 超说明书用药 调查分析 |
Investigation and analysis on off-label use of antibacterials for outpatients and emergency patients |
Abstract:Objective To investigate the off-label use of antibacterials in out-patient department and emergency departmentand give reference for management. Methods About 10% of antibacterials prescriptions in out-patient department and emergency department were randomly extracted. Off-label use was analyzed by assessing off-label use percentage, reviewing off-label types and evaluating the rationality. Results 23 600 antibacterial prescriptions, including 43 antibacterials in 9 categorieswere analyzed, and the off-label use percentage of 22.00%. Cephalosporins contributed most in the amount of off-label use prescriptions, while nitroimidazoleseries got the highest off-label percentage of 73.45%. Improper frequency and dosing were the most obvious phenomena, with the ratio of 55.64% and 52.60%, respectively. For oral drugs, most frequent off-label use type of these drugs was improper dosing (72.46%).For injections, frequent off-label use type of these drugs were manifested improper frequency (82.18%) and improper solvent (38.80%). Conclusion Off-label use of antibacterials in hospital was in a critical situation and most of the prescriptions were lack of rational evidence.Standardized administration should be introduced. |
keywords:antibacterials off-label use investigation and analysis |
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