门诊和急诊处方中抗菌药物与其他药物关联规则的挖掘和比较 |
投稿时间:2014-11-24 修订日期:2015-05-13 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:傅翔,陈盛新,杨樟卫,陈长虹,何宇涛.门诊和急诊处方中抗菌药物与其他药物关联规则的挖掘和比较[J].药学实践杂志,2015,33(4):351~355 |
摘要点击次数: 2062 |
全文下载次数: 507 |
中文摘要:目的 探讨门诊和急诊处方中抗菌药物与其他药物间的相关性及关联规则。 方法 对某院2009年门诊和急诊处方数据进行抽样,将药品按通用名和ATC编码进行分类,应用IBM SPSS Modeler 14.1软件进行数据处理和统计,建立先验(Apriori)关联分析模型进行数据挖掘。 结果 门诊和急诊抗菌药物处方在人均用药品种数、人均抗菌药物品种数、患者年龄、性别上均存在差异。门诊处方中的5类药物与头孢菌素类抗菌药物存在明显关联;急诊处方中,抗菌药物与其他药物的关联规则更多。 结论 急诊处方中抗菌药物的使用比门诊更为集中和频繁,注射剂型的使用、抗菌药物联用的情况更为普遍,急诊医生规范使用抗菌药物更需加强。 |
中文关键词:数据挖掘 关联规则 抗菌药物 |
Comparison of co-prescription patterns for antibacterials between clinic and ER in a tertiary hospital |
Abstract:Objective To compare the co-prescribing patterns of antibacterials between clinic and ER in a tertiary hospital and mine the association rules among drugs in outpatient and emergency prescriptions. Methods The prescribing data of 2009 were sampled and the prescription drugs were classified according to the anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) subgroup code. IBM PASW ® Modeler 14 was used for data processing and statistics, and the Apriori association analysis model was established to carry out data mining. Results There were differences between outpatient and emergency prescriptions with anti-microbial in average number of drug items and antibacterials items, as well as in the distribution of patient age and gender. Expectorants, cough suppressants and prepared Chinese medicine for "Qing Re Jie Du" played dominant roles in the associations with cephalosporin in outpatient prescription. More association rules in emergency prescriptions were found which were more complicated.The associations between antibacterials and vitamins, digestive ulcer drugs, and potassium agents, as well as antibacterial and antibacterials were not found in the outpatient prescriptions. Conclusion The use of antibacterials in the emergency is much more frequently than in the clinic, especially for the inject-able formulations and the combination of antibacterials. So it is more necessary to establish a standard for rational use of antibacterials in ER. |
keywords:data mining association rule antibacterials |
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