投稿时间:2013-11-19  修订日期:2014-05-27  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1493
全文下载次数: 111
林俊杰 佛山市中医院药剂科, 广东 佛山 528000 
吴舜芳 佛山市中医院药剂科, 广东 佛山 528000 
吕敏儿 佛山市中医院药剂科, 广东 佛山 528000 
中文摘要:目的 探讨品管圈在提高门诊中药房调剂效率,缩短患者候药时间中的应用效果。 方法 分析造成门诊中药房患者候药时间延长的原因,制订并实施相应对策,统计开展品管圈活动前、后患者的候药时间,评估品管圈活动成效。 结果 活动开展后,患者平均候药时间14.47 min,比开展前缩短了2.45 min;开展后在15 min内完成取药的患者占总数的67.78%,较前上升了10.61%;圈员的品管手法、解决问题的能力、积极性等方面均有进步。 结论 在门诊中药房开展品管圈活动能提高调剂效率,有效缩短患者候药时间,提升中药房的核心竞争力。
中文关键词:品管圈  门诊中药房  调剂效率  候药时间
The practice of the effect of quality control circle in medicine waiting time reduction of out-patients in Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Foshan City
Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of quality control circle in the reduction of medicine waiting time for out-patients. Methods Analyze the reason of the increase of medicine waiting time for out-patients was analyzed. Specific plan was made and carried out. Medicine waiting time for out-patients before and after the intervention was compared by statistic analysis, and the effect of quality control circle was assessed. Results The average medicine waiting time for out-patients after intervention was 14.47 min, which was 2.45 min shorter than the average time before the intervention; 67.78% of the patients got their medicine within 15 min after the intervention, which was 10.61% higher than that of before the intervention; the quality control methods, abilities of solving problems and working initiative of the quality control circle stuffwere improved. Conclusion Quality control circle is capable of increasing dispensing efficiency, shortening medicine waiting time for out-patients, and promoting the core competitiveness of dispensary of traditional Chinese medicine.
keywords:quality control circle  out-patient dispensary of traditional Chinese medicine  dispensing efficiency  waiting time for out-patients
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