投稿时间:2014-02-24  修订日期:2014-09-10  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1657
全文下载次数: 518
王鸿玉 沈阳药科大学制药工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110016
第二军医大学药学院药物化学教研室, 上海 200433 
宋云龙 第二军医大学药学院药物化学教研室, 上海 200433  
章玲 第二军医大学药学院药物化学教研室, 上海 200433  
曾强 第二军医大学药学院药物化学教研室, 上海 200433  
朱驹 第二军医大学药学院药物化学教研室, 上海 200433  
张辉 沈阳药科大学制药工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110016 zh19683@163.com 
中文摘要:目的 探索6-甲氧基靛红的合成工艺改进方法。 方法 以3-甲氧基苯胺为起始原料,经Sandmeyer方法首先生成中间体1-肟基-N-(3-甲氧基苯基)乙酰胺,在甲磺酸催化下关环得到6-甲氧基靛红。 结果 在关环反应中,催化剂采用甲磺酸,替代文献中常用的浓硫酸,温度80℃,反应30 min,收率达81.24%。 结论 提出了一条操作简单、条件温和、收率高的6-甲氧基靛红的合成工艺,适合大量制备。
中文关键词:6-甲氧基靛红  合成工艺  甲磺酸
Improvement of synthesis method of 6-methoxyisatin
Abstract:Objective To improve the synthetic condition of 6-methoxyisatin. Methods The starting material 3-methoxyaniline was firstly converted into the intermediate 1-oximino-N- (3-methoxyphenyl) acetamide through Sandmeyer reaction, then 6-methoxyisatin was conducted with methanesulfonic acid as catalyst in the following ring closure reaction. Results In the second step of the cyclization reaction, methanesulfonic acid was used to replace the concentrated sulfuric acid which is widely used in literature. The temperature was 80℃, the reaction time was 30 min, and the yield was 81.24%. Conclusion This study provided a synthesis process of 6-methoxyisatin with simple operation, mild reaction condition and high yield, which is suitable for large scale preparation of the compound.
keywords:6-methoxyisatin  synthesis  methanesulfonic acid
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