参加救灾军人应急状态下用药分析 |
投稿时间:2013-08-30 修订日期:2014-01-07 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:金伟华,张勤,谭永红,陈华.参加救灾军人应急状态下用药分析[J].药学实践杂志,2014,32(5):379~382 |
摘要点击次数: 1065 |
全文下载次数: 105 |
基金项目:四川省科技厅科技支撑计划(12ZC2283). |
中文摘要:目的 通过分析"5.12"抗震灾区官兵用药情况,为今后应急救治灾区人员提供用药参考。方法 收集2008年5月18日至8月19日期间,成都军区总医院门诊救治抗震救灾官兵的161张处方进行分析。结果 皮肤及附件疾病的处方最多,共47张处方(占29.19%),诊断为虫咬皮炎和急性支气管炎的处方最多,分别为11张(6.83%)和9张(5.59%)。应急救援人员患病的第一因素是环境影响。结论 在进行应急救灾过程中,救援人员有针对性的防护是非常重要的。 |
中文关键词:救灾军人 应急 用药分析 |
Soldiers participate in relief state of emergency under medication analysis |
Abstract:Objective Through the analysis of the 5.12 earthquake relief soldiers medication, to provide a reference for future emergency treatment relief workers. Methods May 18, 2008 to August 19, the officers and men of our hospital free treatment for earthquake relief prescription 161 analysis. Results The skin diseases and accessories were the most reported situations and it's up to a total of 47 prescriptions (accounting for 29.19%), diagnosis of insect bite dermatitis and acute bronchitis prescription, 11 and 9, respectively, constitute more than 6.83% and 5.59%. The first factor is the environment in emergency rescue personnel. Conclusion during the emergency relief process, rescue workers targeted prevention is very important. |
keywords:officers and men of rescue disaster meet an emergency medication analysis |
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