投稿时间:2013-04-01  修订日期:2013-07-30  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1177
全文下载次数: 164
严建维 余姚市人民医院内科, 浙江 余姚 315400 
中文摘要:目的 观察左卡尼汀预防紫杉醇引起的周围神经毒性作用。方法 将 64例接受紫杉醇化疗的肿瘤患者随机分为两组,预防性治疗组患者在应用紫杉醇化疗同时给予左卡尼汀治疗,对照组化疗方案与前组相同但未接受左卡尼汀预防性治疗。分别比较两组患者的周围神经毒性发生率。结果 预防性治疗组周围神经毒性发生率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 应用紫杉醇联合化疗中预防性给予左卡尼汀,可减少化疗相关的周围神经毒性。
中文关键词:左卡尼汀  紫杉醇  神经毒性
Clinical observation of levocarnitine in prevention from peripheral nerve toxicity caused by paclitaxel
Abstract:Objective To observe levocarnitine in prevention and treatment of peripheral nerve toxicity caused by paclitaxel.Methods 64 cancer patients treated with paclitaxel-based chemotherapy were randomly divided into two groups, the preventive treatment group and control group.The patients in the preventive treatment group were treated with paclitaxel chemotherapy and levocarnitine.The patients in the control group were treated with the same chemotherapy but without levocarnitine.The incidence rate of neurotoxicity between two groups were compared.Results The incidence rate of neurotoxicity in the preventive treatment group was lower than that of the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Application of levocarnitine in paclitaxel-based chemotherapy could reduce the neurotoxicity caused by chemotherapy.
keywords:levocarnitine  paclitaxel  neurotoxicity
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