投稿时间:2013-11-22  修订日期:2014-05-29  点此下载全文
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张国庆 成都军区联勤部药品仪器检验所, 四川 成都 610017 
杜建红 成都军区联勤部药品仪器检验所, 四川 成都 610017 
祝辉 成都军区联勤部药品仪器检验所, 四川 成都 610017 
刘徽 成都军区联勤部药品仪器检验所, 四川 成都 610017 
方晨 成都军区联勤部药品仪器检验所, 四川 成都 610017 
中文摘要:目的 建立稀苯扎溴铵溶液微生物限度检查方法并进行方法学验证,确保方法的有效性。方法 按《中国药典》2010年版二部附录XI J方法验证试验的要求,对稀苯扎溴铵溶液进行微生物限度检查法的方法学验证。结果 对本溶液的微生物限度检查可采用薄膜过滤法进行细菌、霉菌和酵母菌计数;可采用薄膜过滤法进行控制菌的检查。结论 通过对溶液进行微生物限度方法学验证而建立的检查方法时,需先考虑消除其抑菌性后,再依法检查。
中文关键词:稀苯扎溴铵溶液  微生物限度  检查  方法学验证
Methodology establishment and validation of microbial limit examination of diluted benzalkonium bromide solution
Abstract:Objective To establish a microbial limit examination method and a verified methodology for diluted benzalkonium bromide solution, and ensure the effectiveness of the method.Methods Microbial limit test of diluted benzalkonium bromide solution was used as the validation methodology according to the validation test requirements of appendix XI J of the second version of the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" published in 2010.Results Membrane filtration method could be used for counting bacteria, mold and yeast count in the microbial limit examination of the diluted benzalkonium bromide solution; membrane filtration method could be adopted to control the bacteria.Conclusion Antibacterial activity of diluted benzalkonium bromide solution should be fully considered before examination when building its examination method through microbial limit methodology validation.
keywords:diluted benzalkonium bromide solution  microbial limit  examine  methodology validation
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