投稿时间:2014-01-30  修订日期:2014-06-22  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1371
全文下载次数: 144
梁建军 北京军区总医院北京军区北京药品器材供应站, 北京 100700 
中文摘要:目的 探讨应急药品供应快速响应能力构成要素的概念框架和构建快速响应能力的建议。方法 通过分析应急药品供应存在的问题,找出应急药品供应在时效性、准确性上的需求,以及快速响应能力方面的要求。结果 形成应急药材供应快速响应能力的构成要素框架,包括快速决策指挥能力、快速实施能力、快速应变能力三部分。结论 构建应急药品供应快速响应能力,需从岗位练兵、信息平台建设、药品抽组方案制定、专业队伍建设多方面着手。
中文关键词:突发事件  应急药品供应  快速响应  保障能力建设
Study on components of rapid response capabilities of emergency medicine supply
Abstract:Objective To propose conceptual framework for the components of rapid response capabilities of emergency medicine supply and suggestions of rapid response capabilities establishment.Methods The components framework of rapid response capabilities of emergency medicine supply was proposed by analyzing the problems of emergency medicine supply and locating the demand on the timeliness and accuracy of emergency medicine supply.Results Rapid response capabilities of emergency medicine supply include rapid decision-making and commanding, rapid implementation and rapid adjusting.Conclusion We should proceed from post training, information platform developing, medicine standards making, professional team building and other aspects to construct rapid response capabilities of emergency medicine supply.
keywords:emergent events  emergency medicine supply  rapid response  support capacity construction
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