投稿时间:2013-08-07  修订日期:2014-01-13  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1081
全文下载次数: 84
赵彦忠 总后卫生部药品仪器检验所, 北京 100071 
李铭浚 陕西烽火通信集团有限公司, 陕西 西安 710003 
何为 总后卫生部药品仪器检验所, 北京 100071 
孙悦 总后卫生部药品仪器检验所, 北京 100071 
王喆 陕西烽火通信集团有限公司, 陕西 西安 710003 
倪晓非 陕西烽火通信集团有限公司, 陕西 西安 710003 
郭锐 总后华北军用物资采购局, 天津 300182 
中文摘要:目的 论述基础数据的编码标准对信息技术应用的重要性,并提出数据库结构设计对解决复杂物资特性识别的具体方法。方法 通过采用统一规范编码、建立系列的编码规则及基础数据字典、增加属性字段及关联字典等方式,对信息的产生、采集、处理加以规范,实现军队药材仓储管理信息系统数据标准的建立。结果 该数据标准的设计与实现方法适用多种数据库的构建。结论 建立各项数据标准和规范对系统的设计、开发、实施乃至成功地运行至关重要,尤其是在属性管理、行政管理、组配管理等复杂管理形式并存的管理信息系统中。
中文关键词:药品储备  药材  数字化管理  信息系统
Design and implementation of warehouse management information system data standard for military medicine
Abstract:Objective To discuss the importance of data coding standards for the application of information technology, and put forward a method to solve the identification of complex medical materials in database structure design. Methods utilization of standardized coding, establishment of coding rules and a series of basic data dictionary, improvement of property fields and association dictionaries were used to regulate the generation, collection and processing of information, and to establish data standards for military medicine warehouse management information system.Results The design and implementation of data standards could be applicable for a variety of databases. Conclusion The establishment of standards and regulations of the data were critical to system design, development, implementation and even the successful operation, especially in management information systems, which had complex management form including property management, administration, and packaging assembly management.
keywords:national pharmaceuticals stockpile  medical supplies  digital managent  information system
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