投稿时间:2013-09-24  修订日期:2014-02-24  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1558
全文下载次数: 482
金鑫 福建中医药大学, 福建 福州 350108
第二军医大学, 上海 200433 
宋霞 福建中医药大学, 福建 福州 350108
第二军医大学, 上海 200433 
曹永兵 第二军医大学, 上海 200433 YBCao@vip.sina.com 
姜远英 第二军医大学, 上海 200433  
孙青龑 第二军医大学, 上海 200433  
中文关键词:小檗碱衍生物  构效关系  药理活性
Research progress in structural modification and pharmacological activities of berberine
Abstract:Berberine was an isoquinoline type alkaloid extracted from Chinese herbs such as Coptis chinensis. Recently, as a great many berberine derivatives had been synthesized with comprehensive physiological functions, the structural modification and application of berberine showed great promising significance. Recent literatures had been systematically analyzed and summarized in this review. With abundant pharmacological activities of berberine different sites'derivatives had been presented, systematical information of berberine structural modification as a lead compound and new drug R&D were provided in this article.
keywords:berberine derivates  structure-function relationship  pharmacological activities
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