中药口服液计量方法及患者认知情况调研 |
投稿时间:2012-11-15 修订日期:2013-05-07 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:周燕妮,曹金华,黄玉凤.中药口服液计量方法及患者认知情况调研[J].药学实践杂志,2013,31(6):478~480 |
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中文摘要:目的 分析中药非处方药口服液多剂量包装制剂的给药剂量计量方法,并调查公众理解和认知的准确性,为合理用药提供参考。方法 汇总常用中药非处方药口服液多剂量包装制剂单次用量计量方法,随机调查门诊患者对给药指示的理解和认知。结果 45个多剂量包装品规中配备量杯的11个(占24%),31个(69%)包装瓶上有计量刻度,3个(6.7%)既没有配备量杯,瓶子也没有刻度。接受调查的52位门诊患者中有49位(94%)能正确理解量杯定量操作,但对包装瓶刻度不甚理解且错误率较高。结论 非处方药口服液制剂单次给药剂量计量方法多样,公众理解和认知度差异大,存在用药安全隐患。建议完善药品包装,配备剂量计量工具。药师应进行用药指导,保证非处方药的安全使用。 |
中文关键词:非处方药 剂量 口服液制剂 包装 |
Survey on dose measurement and recognition situation of oral liquid of TCM |
Abstract:Objective To examine the dose measurement methods of popular oral liquid OTC TCM, and to evaluate the recognition accuracy of patient.Methods The types and features of oral liquid measurement methods provided with packages obtained from hospital pharmacies were recorded and outpatients were selected randomly to assess the accuracy rate of dose measuring.Results Of the 45 oral liquid OTC TCM multiple-dosage package products, only 11(24%) provided a dosing cup with package, 31(69%) provided mark on bottles, 3(6.7%) provided none of them. 49(94%) outpatients could measure accurately using dosing cup while resulted in wrong dosage by the mark on bottles because of variable marked volume. Conclusion Results suggest that dosing measurement variability presented a challenge to patient operation, which might result in a medication dosing error, whereas pharmacists should strive to provide understandable care information to promote proper medication use. |
keywords:over-the-counter dose measure measuring device |
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