药学本科有机化学课程和实验教学探讨 |
投稿时间:2012-09-02 修订日期:2012-10-30 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:宋尔群,宋杨.药学本科有机化学课程和实验教学探讨[J].药学实践杂志,2013,31(5):398~400 |
摘要点击次数: 1618 |
全文下载次数: 184 |
基金项目:西南大学教育教学改革研究项目(2010JY078),科技部"重大新药创制"科技重大专项(2010ZX09401-306-2-19,2010ZX09401-306-1-4). |
中文摘要:目的 建立药学专业有机化学教学策略,提高学生的实践能力和创新精神,探讨如何更好地适应药学现代化的教育发展目标。方法 采用学生调查问卷、文献调研和实验研究等方法。结果 设置了针对药学专业的有机化学课程教学和实验课,采用了开放教学的形式,建立了研究性教学的平台。结论 药学本科的有机化学课程和实验教学需要:①结合药学类专业特点,合理调整教学模式;②选择合适的授课内容,多种教学方法灵活使用,激发学生学习兴趣;③结合具体临床使用药物来设计有机化学实验;④引入开放式教学,鼓励学生课外拓展知识面。 |
中文关键词:有机化学 药学本科 教学 实验 |
Discussion on the teaching of organic chemistry for pharmacy majors |
Abstract:Objective To build up the teaching tactics of research in the current organic chemistry course teaching for pharmic students,promote the ability of practicing and innovation,discuss how to accommodate the development of modern pharmacy education.Method Methods of experimentation,investigation,operation and literature research were used.Result The corresponding teaching content and teaching platform in experiment course for pharmaceutical specialties were built up.Conclusion It was necessary to ① adjust teaching methods based on the characteristics of pharmaceutical major;②select appropriate content of lectures with variety of teaching methods, in order to stimulate students' interesting;③ design organic chemistry experiments with clinical drugs;④encourage students to expand their knowledge to inspire students' interests. |
keywords:organic chemistry pharmacy major teaching |
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