投稿时间:2012-09-22  修订日期:2013-01-21  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1084
全文下载次数: 61
薛胜霞 杭州市余杭区第三人民医院药剂科, 浙江 杭州 311115 
赵乾 杭州市余杭区第三人民医院药剂科, 浙江 杭州 311115 
王争鸣 杭州市余杭区第三人民医院药剂科, 浙江 杭州 311115 
中文摘要:目的 通过门急诊处方书写及不合理用药情况的点评与分析,以提高处方质量,促进合理用药。方法 2011年7月~2012年6月每月随机抽取1天门急诊处方,共14 872张,根据处方管理办法及有关文献,对处方进行审查分析。结果 不合理处方545张,占抽查处方的3.7%,存在的问题主要有书写不规范和用药不适宜,分别占不合理处方的60.2%和39.8%。结论 我院门急诊处方质量基本合格,但仍存在一些问题,应该进一步贯彻落实处方管理办法,提高处方质量,促进合理用药。
中文关键词:处方点评  不合理用药  统计分析
Evaluation and analysis of irrational prescriptions in outpatient and emergency department
Abstract:Objective To evaluate and analyze the prescription writing and irrational drug uses in order to improve the quality of prescription and promote rational drug use in clinic.Methods 14 872 pieces of prescriptions were randomly selected one day per month randomly in the outpatient and emergency department of our hospital from July of 2011 to June of 2012. According to the Hospital Management of Prescription, the prescriptions were reviewed and analyzed.Results 3.7%(545/14 872) prescriptions were found to be irrational. The main problems were incidences of irregularly writing and inappropriate use, which accounted for irrational prescription of 60.2% and 39.8%,respectively. Conclusion Prescriptions in outpatient and emergency department were basically rational in our hospital except some cases of misuses and the management of prescription should be implemented conscientiously to improve the quality of prescription and promote rational drug use in clinical.
keywords:prescription evaluation  irrational drug use  statistical analysis
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