投稿时间:2012-10-17  修订日期:2013-03-13  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1282
全文下载次数: 68
朱全刚 上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院药剂科, 上海 200437
第二军医大学长海医院药学部, 上海 200433 
张迪 第二军医大学长海医院药学部, 上海 200433  
周芷筠 第二军医大学长海医院药学部, 上海 200433  
潘勇华 第二军医大学长海医院药学部, 上海 200433  
尤本明 第二军医大学长海医院药学部, 上海 200433  
刘继勇 第二军医大学长海医院药学部, 上海 200433  
高申 第二军医大学长海医院药学部, 上海 200433 ggss99@126.com 
中文摘要:目的 制备盐酸罗哌卡因温敏凝胶注射剂,并建立其含量测定方法。方法 采用泊洛沙姆作为温敏材料,以冷法制备,利用反相高效液相色谱法测定其中药物的含量。结果 温敏凝胶注射剂中辅料泊洛沙姆P407与P188的质量比为28:1,盐酸罗哌卡因含量为2%,相变温度为37℃。盐酸罗哌卡因在2.03~48.72 μg/ml范围内线性关系良好(r=0.999 8),精密度和重复性良好,低、中、高浓度盐酸罗哌卡因的回收率分别为(99.58±0.20)%、(97.80±0.35)%、(103.60±0.63)%,n=3,3批样品中盐酸罗哌卡因的平均含量分别为标示量的(98.92±0.35)%、(99.18±0.38)%、(98.72±0.62)%,n=3。结论 采用泊洛沙姆为基质制备的盐酸罗哌卡因温敏凝胶注射剂质量可控,是一种很有开发前景的新型止痛剂。
中文关键词:盐酸罗哌卡因  泊洛沙姆  温敏凝胶  含量测定
Preparation and determination of ropivacaine hydrochloride thermosensitive gel injection
Abstract:Objective To prepare ropivacaine hydrochloride thermosensitive gel injection and establish the determination methods of contents.Methods Ropivacaine hydrochloride thermosensitive gel injection was prepared by cold methods with poloxamer as thermosensitive materials. The contents of ropivacaine hydrochloride were determined by RP-HPLC. Result The formulation contained 2% ropivacaine hydrochloride, poloxamer P407 and P188 (28:1) with phase-transition temperature of 37℃. Ropivacaine hydrochloride presented a good linearity in the range of 2.03~48.72 μg/ml (r=0.999 8), which had good precision, and reproducibility. The recovery rate of low, middle and high concentrations of ropivacaine hydrochloride were (99.58±0.20)%, (97.80±0.35)% and (103.60±0.63)%,n=3,respectively. The average contents of ropivacaine hydrochloride in three batches of sample were (98.92±0.35)%, (99.18±0.38)% and (98.72±0.62)%,n=3. Conclusion The quality of Ropivacaine hydrochloride thermosensitive gel injection with poloxamer as matrix could be controlled. It had a new development prospects for relieving pain.
keywords:ropivacaine hydrochloride  poloxamer  thermosensitive gel  content determination
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