投稿时间:2012-10-22  修订日期:2013-01-04  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1396
全文下载次数: 103
孙青 浙江医院, 浙江 杭州 310013  
张晓洁 解放军总后勤部药材供应站, 北京 100071  
王巍 解放军第455医院, 上海 200052 krick1998@yahoo.com.cn 
中文摘要:目的 研制复方丹参滴丸的新型纯天然基质。方法 从植物胶体、植物多糖、多元醇及有机酸和盐中,筛选具备滴丸基质特性的单一植物辅料;针对单一辅料作为滴丸基质的某些不足,通过低共熔混合原理对上述植物来源辅料进行两种辅料配合使用的筛选,使其达到滴丸基质的要求。结果 经过单一辅料的筛选,证明了木糖醇具有作为滴丸基质的特性,但存在成丸后硬度不足;通过2种辅料的复合使用,得知植物多糖淀粉和植物胶体阿拉伯胶均可增加木糖醇的韧性和塑性。与淀粉相比,阿拉伯胶具有较强的吸湿性,但价格较贵,故选用植物多糖淀粉与木糖醇配合使用作为复方丹参滴丸的新型基质。结论 经过对木糖醇类型及与淀粉用量的配比试验,确定以粉末状木糖醇和淀粉按适当配比应用于新基质复方丹参滴丸。
中文关键词:复方丹参滴丸  基质  木糖醇  淀粉
Selection of auxiliary material of nature based for Compound Danshen Dropping Pills
Abstract:Objective To explore a new pure nature based auxiliary material for Compound Danshen Dropping Pills. Methods A single herbal auxiliary material was used to produce Compound Danshen Dropping Pills.Then two auxiliary materials were mixed to produce Compound Danshen Dropping Pills.Results After the selection of single auxiliary material, xylitol was selected as the new base material. According to the principle of eutectic mixture, using two auxiliary materials could lower the melting point of xylitol.The mixture could make xylitol more suitable for dropping.Conclusion Xylitol and starch were mixed as new base materials for preparation of Compound Danshen Dropping Pills.
keywords:Compound Danshen Dropping Pills  base  xylitol  starch
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