投稿时间:2012-07-25  修订日期:2012-09-05  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1195
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王晓君 浙江省绍兴市人民医院药剂科, 浙江 绍兴 312000 
中文摘要:目的 分析我院2011年门诊退药情况,促进医院合理用药。方法 收集我院2011年1月~12月门诊退药处方共1 095张,以《医疗机构药事管理规定》为依据,按退药原因、退药品种进行统计、分析。结果 1 095张门诊退药处方中,退药原因以药物不良反应居首位,占36.71%,其次为医师处方录入错误,占19.82%;退药品种以抗微生物类药物为主,占24.48%;其次为循环系统用药,占20.27%。结论 医院应提高诊疗质量,加强医患沟通;提高药学服务,开展药师用药咨询服务;完善退药管理制度以减少门诊退药情况。
中文关键词:门诊退药  原因  分析  对策
Analysis and countermeasure of outpatient drug return in our hospital
Abstract:Objective To analyze the outpatient drug return in 2011 and promote rational drug use. Methods 1 905 prescriptions of drug return in our hospital between January and December in 2011 were collected. Based on The medical organization drug management stipulation, the return causes and drug kinds were analyzed. Results In 1 095 outpatient drug return prescriptions, the return reason of adverse drug reaction was in the first place, accounted for 36.71%, followed by input error in physicians prescription, accounted for 19.82%,24.48% of drug return were antimicrobial drugs, 20.27% of drug return were circulating system drugs. Conclusion The quality of diagnosis and treatment should be improved, the doctor-patient communication should be strengthened,pharmaceutical care should be improved, medication consultation service should be carried out.Retreat drug management system should be optimized in order to reduce drug return.
keywords:outpatient drug return  reason  analysis  countermeasure
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