投稿时间:2012-06-01  修订日期:2012-10-30  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1350
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仝永涛 第二军医大学, 研究生管理大队药学队, 上海 200433  
高勇 第二军医大学, 研究生管理大队药学队, 上海 200433  
高保安 第二军医大学, 药学院, 上海 200433  
岳力群 第二军医大学, 药学院, 上海 200433  
陈建明 第二军医大学, 药学院, 上海 200433 yjcjm@163.com 
中文摘要:目的 研究姜黄素在聚乙二醇-400(PEG-400)中的溶解度和稳定性,并筛选合适的稳定剂提高其灭菌稳定性。方法 通过溶解度测定法测定姜黄素在PEG-400中的溶解度,加速试验考察其在不同pH条件下的稳定性,并筛选合适的稳定剂提高其灭菌稳定性,然后通过恒温加速试验计算推测含有稳定剂的姜黄素PEG-400溶液的有效期。结果 姜黄素在PEG-400中的溶解度为42 mg/ml,最稳定pH值为3.70;0.1%的没食子酸丙酯可以提高姜黄素的PEG-400溶液灭菌稳定性,使灭菌前后的姜黄素含量几乎没有变化;室温(25℃)下,含0.1%没食子酸丙酯的姜黄素PEG-400溶液有效期可达296.1 d,而低温(6℃)时,有效期可以达到5.5年。结论 本研究表明PEG-400可显著提高姜黄素的溶解度,通过加入0.1%的没食子酸丙酯可显著提高姜黄素PEG-400溶液的稳定性,并且该溶液可经高压灭菌。
中文关键词:姜黄素  聚乙二醇-400  溶解度  高压灭菌  稳定性
Study on the solubility and stability of curcumin in PEG-400
Abstract:Objective To study the solubility and stability of curcumin in PEG-400 and screen the best suitable stabilizer to improve the autoclave stability. Methods Solubility determination was used to determine the solubility of curcumin in PEG-400.The stability under different pH conditions was studied by accelerated testing. The best suitable stabilizer was screened to improve the autoclave stability and the validity of the curcumin solution in PEG-400 with stabilizer was speculated by accelerated testing. Results The solubility of curcumin in PEG-400 was 42 mg/mL;the most stable pH was 3.70. The 0.1% propyl gallate could improve the sterilization stability of curcumin in PEG-400. At room temperature (25℃), the validity duration of curcumin PEG-400 solution with 0.1% propyl gallate was 296.1 days and if at low temperature (6℃), it coulb be up to 5.5 years.Conclusion The study showed that the solubility of curcumin was greatly improved and 0.1% propyl gallate could greatly improve the sterilization stability of curcumin in PEG-400.
keywords:curcumin  PEG-400  solubility  autoclaving  stability
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