投稿时间:2012-03-19  修订日期:2012-06-11  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 2562
全文下载次数: 1315
龚燕波 宁波市第二医院, 浙江 宁波 315010 
中文摘要:目的 探讨静脉滴注甲硝唑注射液后引起癫痫发作的原因及其防治措施。方法 对1例静脉使用甲硝唑注射液引起癫痫发作的案例进行分析,并通过文献检索,对甲硝唑所致的癫痫发作的各种因素进行文献分析。结果 甲硝唑注射液能引起癫痫发作,特别是使用高剂量甲硝唑及老年患者容易诱发癫痫。结论 临床在使用甲硝唑注射液时应重点关注患者年龄,注意使用时间间隔,避免使用高剂量甲硝唑,从而减少诱发癫痫症状。
中文关键词:甲硝唑  癫痫  文献  分析
A case and literature analysis of epileptic seizure caused by metronidazole injection
Abstract:Objective To discuss the factors of epileptic seizure caused by metronidazole injection and give some prevention measure.Methods A case of epileptic seizure caused by metronidazole injection were analyzed, and the literatures about epileptic seizure caused by metronidazole were retrieved and analyzed. Results The metronidazole could cause epileptic seizure, which seldom could be seen. Conclusion The age of patient and using interval should be remarked to avoid epileptic seizure when the metronidazole injection was used.
keywords:metronidazole  epilepsia  literature  analysis
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