投稿时间:2012-04-28  修订日期:2012-10-17  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 2706
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宣伟东 解放军第411医院药学科, 上海 200081 
唐大海 解放军第411医院药学科, 上海 200081 
卞俊 解放军第411医院药学科, 上海 200081 
胡水根 解放军第411医院药学科, 上海 200081 
胡建峰 解放军第411医院药学科, 上海 200081 
范正平 解放军第411医院药学科, 上海 200081 
中文摘要:目的 观察百蕊草对大鼠肾病综合征的治疗作用。方法 SD大鼠40只,10只为空白对照组,余下分为模型组,低剂量组(1.0 g/(kg·d)),高剂量组(5.0 g/(kg·d)),每组10只,尾静脉注射阿霉素6.0 mg/kg 建立肾病模型。连续灌胃给药5周,观察百蕊草对肾病大鼠尿量、24 h尿蛋白、血液生化指标、肾组织病理学等方面的影响。结果 百蕊草能够减轻ADR大鼠肾病综合症烂尾、水肿等症状。与模型组相比,百蕊草治疗第2周以后,尿量显著增加(P<0.01),治疗3周后,24 h尿蛋白浓度下降(P<0.05),低剂量组尿蛋白浓度显著下降(P<0.01)。治疗5周后,低剂量组的血清总蛋白(TP)、血清蛋白(ALB)水平显著高于模型组(P<0.01),总胆固醇(TCH)、甘油三酯(TG)水平则显著降低(P<0.01)。结论 百瑞草具有利尿、消除水肿、降低尿蛋白、降血脂、提高血清蛋白等作用,改善病理组织学变化,减轻肾脏损害,对肾病综合征大鼠具有良好的治疗效果。
中文关键词:百蕊草  药效学  阿霉素肾病  SD大鼠  中药治疗
Therapeutic effects of Thesium chinensis on adriamycin-induced nephropathy rats
Abstract:Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of Thesium chinensis Turcz on Adriamycin-induced nephropathy rats. Methods 40 SD rats were divided into 4 groups averagely:normal control group, model control group, low-dosage group (1.0 g/(kg·d) and high-dosage group(5.0 g/(kg·d). Nephritic syndrome models were established in 30 rats by intravenous injection of Adriamycin (6.0 mg/kg). The rats of low-dosage group and high-dosage group were intragastric administrated decoction of Thesium chinensis Turcz daily, the model control group rats were given running water(2 ml). During 5 weeks treatment process, the 24 hour urine volume, 24 hour urine protein concentration of rats were observed. The level of total serum protein(TP), serum albumin(ALP), total cholesterol(TCH), triglycerides(TG) and UREA were determined, and the pathological changes of kidney tissue were assayed after the therapy process. Results The symptoms of nephritic syndromes, such as edema, tail-rot disease, were relieved by Thesium chinensis Turcz. After 2 weeks therapy, the 24 hour urine volume of low-dosage group and high-dosage group were significantly higher than model control, and the 24 hour urine protein concentration were significantly lower than model control after 3 weeks. The level of TP and ALP of low-dosage group were significantly higher than model control, as well as the level of TCH and TG were significantly lower after 5 weeks. Conclusion Thesium chinensis Turcz could eliminate tissue edema and decrease the urine protein concentration by diuretic action and improves renal pathology to protect the kidney from damage by reducing the serum cholesterol level, decreased blood lipid content, and increased the plasma protein level.
keywords:Thesium chinensis Turcz  pharmacology  Adriamycin-induced nephritic syndrome  SD rats  TCD therapy
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