投稿时间:2011-11-02  修订日期:2011-12-28  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1540
全文下载次数: 513
廖昌军 成都医学院药学院, 四川 成都610083  
臧志和 成都医学院药学院, 四川 成都610083 zhihezang@yahoo.com.cn 
中文关键词:药学专业  教材改革  实践
Reform and practice of pharmacy experiment teaching materials
Abstract:The characteristics of experiment in pharmaceutical specialties and the current situation that sonic experimental teaching courses were fragmented in pharmaceutical specialties were analyzed in this article.According to the general rules of the drug research and development, namely the raw materials-preparation-quality evaluation,the experiment content was made up by two pans:pharmaceutical foundational experiment and pharmacy comprehensive and designing experiment. By studying the whole process of the API to the finished product medicine. students could learn to use the modern detection means and method.take scientific evaluation for quality of API and preparation medicine,drug safety and effectiveness and learn how to get safe and effective drugs.
keywords:pharmacy  teaching materials reform  practice
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