投稿时间:2012-02-10  修订日期:2012-03-27  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 2556
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徐学君 武警安徽总队医院药剂科, 安徽 合肥 230061  
陶庆 解放军108医院药剂科,上海 200336 taoqing0927@yahoo.com.cn 
徐德琴 武警安徽总队医院药剂科, 安徽 合肥 230061  
中文摘要:目的 建立并优化一种简单、快速、灵敏及高选择性测定氟西汀血药浓度的高效液相色谱法(HPLC),用于临床个体化给药监测。 方法 血浆样品用乙腈沉淀蛋白法处理。样品分离用Hypersil ODS2 (5 μm, 4.6 mm×200 mm)色谱柱,流动相为乙腈-25 mmol/L磷酸盐缓冲液(pH6.5)(34:66),流速为1.2 ml/min;进样量为20 μl,紫外检测波长227 nm。 结果 氟西汀的血浆浓度范围是0.5~50 ng/ml,r=0.996 9,低、中、高血浆质控样品日
中文关键词:氟西汀  高效液相色谱法  临床应用
Determination of fluoxetine hydrochloride in plasma by HPLC
Abstract:Objective To establish and optimize a simple, rapid, reliable, high sensitive and high selective method for the determination of fluoxetine hydrochloride in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) so as to monitor the clinical drug use. Methods The plasma samples were deproteined by acetonitrile. Separation was performed on a Hypersil ODS2 column(5 μm, 4.6 mm×200 mm). The mobile phase contained acetonitrile-25 mmol/ L phosphate buffer(pH6.5)(34:66). The flow rate and sample volume injected were 1.2 ml/min and 20 μl, respectively. Detection wavelength was 227 nm. Results The calibration curve of fluoxetine hydrochloride in plasma was linear in the concentration range of 0.5~50 ng/ml and coefficient was 0.996 9. The intra-assay precision did not exceed 8.06% and inter-assay precision did not exceed 10.46% for low, medium and high quality samples, respectively. The average recovery of the described method was 91.7%,97.06% and 100.75%, respectively. Conclusion In comparison with previous work, the improved chromatographic method was more economical, less polluted and better protected column, besides simple preparation of plasma samples, high reproducibility, and high selectivity.
keywords:fluoxetine  HPLC  clinical applications
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