偶合法合成几个对称α-二酮 |
投稿时间:2011-11-15 修订日期:2012-04-06 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:王鹏,李彬,董俊兴.偶合法合成几个对称α-二酮[J].药学实践杂志,2012,30(3):216~217 |
摘要点击次数: 2229 |
全文下载次数: 806 |
中文摘要:目的 分别以丁酸乙酯、戊酸乙酯及己酸乙酯作为起始原料,合成相应的4,5-辛二酮、5,6-癸二酮及6,7-十二二酮。 方法 以金属钠作催化剂,酯类化合物发生偶合反应,得到中间体,进一步用乙酸铜氧化,最后得到目标产物。 结果 合成得到了4,5-辛二酮、5,6-癸二酮及6,7-十二二酮。 结论 合成方法具有可行性,操作简便。 |
中文关键词:4,5-辛二酮 5,6-癸二酮 6,7-十二二酮 偶合法 |
Synthesis of several symmetric α-dione by coupling method |
Abstract:Objective To design and synthesize octane-4,5-dione, decane-5,6-dione and dodecane-6, 7-dione with ethyl butyrate, ethyl pentannate and ethyl hexanoate as the corresponding starting materials. Methods TTarget products were synthesized by coupling reaction in the presence of sodium firstly and oxidation reaction with copper acetate secondly. Results octane-4,5-dione,decane-5,6-dione and dodecane-6,7 were synthesized. Conclusions The synthetic method was feasible and simple. |
keywords:octane-4,5-dione decane-5,6-dione dodecane-6,7-dione coupling reaction |
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